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Russia: New Harassment of Olympic Critics

posted by eagle on December, 2013 as Human Rights

Minority Rights Activists Detained, Homes Searched
DECEMBER 19, 2013

Targeting minority rights activists is completely at odds with Russia’s role as Olympic host embracing people from all corners of the world. The government should stop harassing those who are critical of Russia’s decision to host the Olympic Games.
Jane Buchanan, Europe and Central Asia associate director

(Moscow) – The Russian authorities have begun a new campaign of harassment of activists critical of the government’s preparations for the February 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi.

On December 13 and 14, 2013, Russian authorities in the North Caucasus questioned at least eight activists for Circassian minority rights, including about some activists’ open criticism of the Sochi Olympics. All were released without charge, but the authorities searched several of the activists’ homes and confiscated some activists’ computers, telephones, and publications, which have not been returned. The authorities questioned another three activists on December 16.

"Targeting minority rights activists ...

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posted by eagle on as Human Rights


The false allegation stating Tscherim Soobzokov was a Nazi War Criminal initially was created by the United States Justice Department in 1971. It is evident that there was no basis in fact or law for the allegation. The outcome from this irresponsible and meritless accusation caused the assassination of Tscherim Soobzokov in 1985. The United States government was aware of Tscherim Soobzokov and the fact that he did not commit any war crimes, but for unexplained reasons, they permitted Soobzokov to be labeled as a Nazi War Criminal. They perpetuated one fabricated investigation after another that spanned over a decade. The deceptive conduct by certain officials within and outside of the United States government caused Tscherim Soobzokov’s death.

In June 1979, a cigar box containing a powerful bomb was mailed to Tscherim Soobzokov’s home. Soobzokov’s wife and three of Soobzokov’s five ...

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