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Torture In RUSSIA

posted by zaina19 on December, 2005 as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 4/30/2005 1:32 PM
Torture In RUSSIA  

Russia considers its military and policing action in Chechnya to be a counterterrorism operation. Now in its sixth year, the conflict has created a dire human rights crisis. Chechen fighters have committed unspeakable acts of terrorism in Chechnya and in other parts of Russia.  
Russia’s federal forces have detained and “disappeared” thousands of Chechens whom they suspect of involvement with rebel forces and tortured them in custody to obtain confessions and information.  
By carrying out forced disappearances, federal forces in Chechnya attempt to conceal the torture and summary execution of those in their custody, and therefore benefit from impunity for such crimes. “Disappearances” in Chechnya are so widespread and systematic that they constitute crimes against humanity; by some estimates between 3,000 and 5,000 have “disappeared” since 1999. In numerous cases their corpses are found in unmarked graves or dumped, ...
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posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

28.11.2005 - 00:49:06

On 19 October police in Ulyanovsk Oblast arrested a group of Muslims belonging to the Tablig organization and held them for one day without charges.

On 19 October police in Ulyanovsk Oblast arrested a group of Muslims belonging to the Tablig organization and held them for one day without charges.

They were severely beaten and then ordered to leave the oblast within one day.

The official Spiritual Administration of the Volga Muslims invited the group to visit Ulyanovsk from Samara, according to the administration's press service.

They sought to instill tolerance among local Muslims, hoping to reduce the level of tension in society during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.

Passions were strong in the oblast following the 13 October assault on Nalchik, in which armed groups attacked law enforcement agencies in the republican capital of Kabardino-Balkaria.

The authorities have blamed the attacks on "Islamic extremists" and ...
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More than 150,000 people have refugee status in Chechnya - UN

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 12/7/2005 9:46 AM
Dec 7 2005 2:02PM
More than 150,000 people have refugee status in Chechnya - UN

MOSCOW. Dec 7 (Interfax) - More than 150,000 people in Chechnya still live as refugees, representatives of humanitarian organizations said.

"The bulk of the Chechen population live under unsatisfactory conditions, and more than 150,000 live as internally displaced persons," says the 2006 work plan for the North Caucasus introduced by nine UN agencies and 13 non-governmental organizations on Wednesday in Moscow.

"The temporary settlements created by the [Chechen] government turned out to be not temporary as intended, and many of them need repairs. People who lost their apartments cannot claim compensation; that is why many wretched families cannot return to normal life," the document says.

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Poland: Chechen Refugees Grateful for Protection but Need Integration Support

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 12/7/2005 1:19 PM
Poland: Chechen Refugees Grateful for Protection but Need Integration Support
07 Dec 2005 16:12:00 GMT
Source: Refugees International - USA

Maureen Lynch
219053 logo
Website: http:/<WBR>/<WBR>
December 6, 2005

Contact: Maureen Lynch or 202.828.0110

Poland: Chechen Refugees Grateful for Protection but Need Integration Support

Civilians continue to flee ongoing violence and suffering in Chechnya. Asylum seekers who are able to make it out say they are thankful for Poland’s open door policy, and the country is certainly to be commended for extending its arm of protection to them. Once the immediate safety of these individuals has been realized, however, they need help restarting their lives in a new country.

Chechnya declared independence in 1991. Within a few years, conflict between federal forces and secessionist armed groups had displaced over 250,000 people to other parts of Chechnya, and to neighboring Ingushetia, Daghestan, and North Ossetia. After a ceasefire was declared in 1996, ...
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Torture confirmed in Kabardino-Balkaria

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 12/8/2005 2:13 AM

Torture confirmed in Kabardino-Balkaria

International human rights organisations and the leading global media received 15 photographs of people arrested in the capital of Kabardino-Balkaria, Nalchik, with marks of beating. This is what Ms Alexandra Zernova, lawyer of the former Russian prisoners of Guantanamo Bay, reported from London. One of the pictures features her defendant Rasul Kudayev who was arrested ten days after the Nalchik attack.

The lawyer confessed that at first she did not even recognise Rasul whom she had last seen shortly before the October events: "He has a swelling in the lower part of his face, and his features and the proportions of his face are different. Investigators believe that they will able to conceal torture, but the photographs testify against them. We know that he has had his leg broken during torture and now they drag him for interrogations."

Ms Zernova also ...
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