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New NGO legislation introduces rule of bureaucracy, says expert

posted by zaina19 on December, 2005 as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 12/23/2005 11:02 PM

New NGO legislation introduces rule of bureaucracy, says expert

The Council of the Russian Duma has today decided to hold the third reading of the draft law toughening control over non-profit-making and nongovernmental organisations (NPO and NGO) tomorrow. No changes can be introduced to the bill at this stage. If the law is passed tomorrow, it may be approved by the Federation Council as soon as the beginning of next week and signed by the president of Russia by late this year, Mr Lev Levinson, an expert with the Human Rights Institute and Public Examination Institute who also worked in the lower house of the Russian parliament for a long time, has told Caucasian Knot's correspondent.

"The improvements in the bill on non-profit-making organisation which the Duma passed yesterday in the second reading are only as compared with the version passed ...
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African student passes spot where Cameroonian was murdered in St Petersburg

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

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From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 12/26/2005 1:42 AM
Monday, 26 December 2005, 06:30 GMT
Murder of African alarms Russia
African student passes spot where Cameroonian was murdered in St Petersburg
This year has seen a sharp rise on attacks on foreigners in Russia
A Russian youth movement allied to President Vladimir Putin is to demand action against racist violence after the murder of an African student.

A spokesman for Nashi (Our People) said it wanted public condemnation of rising racial intolerance in St Petersburg, Mr Putin's native city.

A Cameroonian was stabbed to death and a Kenyan citizen wounded in attacks in the city on Saturday evening.

Russian prosecutors say they suspect both crimes were racially motivated.

The Cameroonian, identified as Kanhem Leon, was attacked by a group of five or six youths dressed in dark clothing and ...
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UK students fear Russian racists

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 12/26/2005 1:46 AM
UK students fear Russian racists
By Jonathan Charles
BBC World Affairs correspondent, Voronezh, Russia

Voronezh is a frightening place after dark, especially if you're a foreigner.

The southern Russian town has been playing host to British and other foreign students for decades, but now, mirroring a national trend, it is seeing a dramatic rise in racism and racist attacks.

Two foreign students have been murdered there in the past two years - the last victim a Peruvian, just a few weeks ago.

Enrique Hurtado was at a sports complex when he was set upon by a gang of skinheads.

The 18-year-old was beaten to death, another Peruvian and a Spanish student who were with him were left unconscious. The horrific attack has thrown the spotlight on a problem that the authorities seem reluctant to confront.

When I met a group of British students who have been sent to Voronezh ...
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NGO leaders hope for president

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 12/26/2005 1:53 AM

NGO leaders hope for president

"It is not just a crime, it is a mistake." Mr Alexander Auzan, director general of the People's Assembly foundation and president of the national project Public Accord, used this utterance of the prominent French politician Talleyrand to comment to Caucasian Knot's correspondent on the passing in the third reading today of the law toughening control of non-profit-making and nongovernmental organisations (NPOs and NGOs).

"This law fails to achieve those objectives which the potential customer, the president of the Russian Federation, would like to achieve, and in doing so, it creates a huge number of negative external effects. Therefore, I say that this is not the end yet. The Federation Council is, of course, a zero chance that the law might not be passed, with the existing political ...
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Public Chamber criticises amendments to NGO legislation

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 12/26/2005 1:56 AM

Public Chamber criticises amendments to NGO legislation

The new, significantly improved version of the law on non-profit-making organisations contains a number of drawbacks, members of the Public Chamber of Russia think. The new version of the bill allows of many proposals meeting requirements to the nation's present-day public life, the Chamber's statement notes. Moreover, the very concept of the bill actually changed by the second reading, RIA Novosti reports.

Even so, some of the bills' provisions will "actually lead to the establishment of a new, powerful bureaucratic machine," says the document.

Public Chamber members see one of the main flaws of the new version of the bill in the provision on annual inspections of public associations and non-profit-making organisations by a regulatory agency which is yet to be established.

Igor Yakovenko, Secretary General of the Journalists Union of Russia, has also criticised the ...
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