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The Other Russia: About Gagarin And About Myself

posted by eagle on December, 2010 as Human Rights

About Gagarin and About Myself

After spending nine days in a medically-induced coma andundergoing multiple operations, Kommersant journalist Oleg Kashin is thankfully on his way to a strong recovery. After a brutal beating on November 6 that left him with skull fractures, broken shins and a set of maimed fingers, Kashin is well enough to walk on crutches and joke about flirting with his nurses in Moscow Hospital No. 36.

In an interview with television personality Leonid Parfenov, Kashin said he has no idea who ordered his beating, that his assailants said nothing during the attack, and that a variety of the topics of his articles could have been motivating factors. But which one it was – the Khimki Forest, Kremlin-sponsored youth groups, or insulted Russian governors – Kashin couldn’t say. An investigation under the supervision of prosecutor general is still ongoing.

In his first article since the attack, Oleg Kashin reveals that, far ...

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The Other Russia: Memorial Rights Activist Beaten In Moscow

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

Memorial Rights Activist Beaten in Moscow

The international human rights organization Amnesty International is calling for an investigation of an attack on rights advocate Bakhrom Khamroev, Ekho Mosvky reports.

Khamroev, a member of the Russian civil rights society Memorial, was attacked in Moscow on December 7.

According to Interfax, the rights advocate was visiting an acquaintance – a Russian citizen who emigrated from Kyrgyzstan – who had called Khamroev and complained that armed men had broken into his apartment.

"Bakhrom came out to the place. They didn’t let him in the apartment, they forced him to leave the entrance,” said Oleg Orlov, head of Memorial. "Then a man came out of a microbus parked nearby – we know the number – and asked Bakhrom several questions and suddenly hit him several times on the head. Bakhrom lost consciousness and was hospitalized.”

The leadership of Memorial believes that Khamroev was beaten by ...

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CK: Residents Of Volgograd Region Claiming That They Live "Like In Kuschevskaya" Detained In Moscow

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

Residents of Volgograd Region claiming that they live "like in Kuschevskaya" detained in Moscow

Dec 07 2010, 22:30

Seven residents of the Korostin village, Kotovsk District of Volgograd Region, have been detained in Moscow near the building of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA) for holding an unsanctioned picket. According to the picketers, a similar gang as in Kuschevskaya, sheltered by local militia, operates in their village.

Five out of those seven detainees are relatives. Protocols on administrative violations have been made with respect to all of them, the RIA "Novosti" reports.

See earlier reports: "Medvedev orders GPO to check facts from video appeal of inspector from Kuschevskaya," "Medvedev: Kuschevskaya is an example of power-crime merge," "GPO: farm belonging to mother of main suspect in Kuschevskaya case received state funds under faked data."

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CK: European Court Of Human Rights Fined Russia For A Loss Of 24 Residents Of Chechnya During Bombings In 2000

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

European Court of Human Rights fined Russia for a loss of 24 residents of Chechnya during bombings in 2000

Dec 03 2010, 18:00

European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg has fined Russia to an unprecedented sum of 1,72 million euros for a loss of 24 residents of Chechnya during bombings in Achkhoy-Martan district in February, 2000. The plaintiffs were 29 residents of Chechnya who had failed to obtain the desired results in the Russian juridical instances.

According the plaintiffs' statement, in the beginning of February, 2000, the settlement of Katir-Yurt in Ackhoy-Martan district got under control of a group of gunmen who had escaped from Grozny. As a result, Russian troops subjected the settlement with the population of 25 thousand people to artillery shelling and bombing, 24 people perished.

During an investigation carried out in 2002 the Russian authorities arrived at a conclusion that the actions of the military men had been justified. After an appeal ...

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Moscow News: More Horror Stories From Russian Child Hospitals

posted by eagle on as Human Rights


More horror stories from Russian child hospitals

by Andy Potts at 03/12/2010 18:31


On the eve of a large-scale rally planned to promote improved healthcare for children in Novosibirsk, two more incidents highlight the parlous state of Russia’s hospitals.

In Zabaikalsk Region, deep in Siberia, parents are planning legal action against the doctors who they believe failed to save their son’s life.

Meanwhile a blogger has launched an online appeal to President Dmitry Medvedev over the "nightmare” conditions in a Moscow children’s hospital.


Delays blamed for death

In a case which echoes the death of eight-month-old Maxim Makarov in Novosibirsk earlier this month, the family of Andrei Kotenok are taking legal action after the six-year-old’s death following kidney surgery.

According to the family found one hospital could provide neither specialist staff nor appropriate medicine when he needed surgery after a cycling accident in June 2010, and it took a 10-hour drive to get the boy to a hospital ...

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