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Rice Voices U.S. Concern Over Russian NGO Bill

posted by zaina19 on December, 2005 as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 12/8/2005 9:43 AM
U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice / Photo: AP

U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice / Photo: AP
Rice Voices U.S. Concern Over Russian NGO Bill

Created: 07.12.2005 14:53 MSK (GMT +3), Updated: 14:53 MSK > document.write(get_ago(1133956380)); </SCRIPT>

U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said her country is concerned about a new Russian bill on non-governmental organizations (NGOs) which has been adopted by the <NOBR>State Duma</NOBR>, the lower chamber of the Russian parliament, in a first reading, Interfax reported.

Both the United States, non-governmental organizations and even certain Russian officials view this legislation as a matter of concern, Rice said during a press conference in Kiev, <NOBR>Ukraine</NOBR>, on Wednesday.

The United States has voiced this concern at all levels in Russia and hopes that the Russian authorities will continue to treat non-governmental organizations as a crucial contributor to the country’s sustainable economic development, she said.

Non-governmental organizations play an ...
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International Rights Watchdog Protests Detention of Activist in Russia

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 12/8/2005 9:45 AM

Frame from NTV Channel

Frame from NTV Channel
International Rights Watchdog Protests Detention of Activist in Russia

Created: 06.12.2005 14:48 MSK (GMT +3), Updated: 14:48 MSK > document.write(get_ago(1133869729)); </SCRIPT>


An international human rights group has protested the detention of a Russian rights activist in the southern region of Daghestan, saying it believes the charges against him were fabricated.

Radio Free Europe reported on Tuesday that the International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights had said that Osman Boliev, the head of the human rights NGO Romashka, was detained on Nov. 15 at his home in Khasavyurt and remains in custody.

The group said in a statement that a hand grenade was planted on him, serving as grounds for charging him with illegal possession of weapons.

A letter sent to the top prosecutor in Dagestan and other Russian officials asked for Boliev’s immediate release and a criminal case to be opened ...
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Photo: AFP Internal Passports Confiscated From Chechen HR Delegation Heading to Strasbourg

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 12/8/2005 9:51 AM
Photo: AFP

Photo: AFP
Internal Passports Confiscated From Chechen HR Delegation Heading to Strasbourg

Created: 04.12.2005 13:21 MSK (GMT +3), Updated: 10:23 MSK > document.write(get_ago(1133767385)); </SCRIPT>

Officials at Russia’s Domodedovo airport have confiscated the national (internal) passports of 17 <NOBR>Chechen</NOBR> human rights activists heading to Strasbourg for a European Council summit, Interfax quoted the head of the delegation as saying Sunday.

Officials at the checkpoint in Domodedovo confiscated the internal passports and demonstrated disrespect towards the delegation, including women, Nurdi Nukhazhiyev said.

Nukhazhiyev, who heads the Chechen Council of Human Rights Organizations of Chechnya, said after the incident he considered canceling the trip, but Chechen authorities asked him to continue the mission.

“Considering the importance of the planned Strasbourg meeting, the Chechen Republic authorities asked me to continue the trip,” he said.

Nukhazhiyev added he made it clear to officers at the checkpoint that they were acting against the all-Russian ...
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Ex-Guantanamo Prisoner Tortured by Russian Police — Defense Lawyer

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 12/8/2005 9:57 AM

Photo from

Photo from
Ex-Guantanamo Prisoner Tortured by Russian Police — Defense Lawyer

Created: 05.12.2005 12:55 MSK (GMT +3), Updated: 12:55 MSK > document.write(get_ago(1133776519)); </SCRIPT>


Lawyers of people arrested on suspicion of participating in October’s terrorist raid on the Russian Caucasus city of Nalchick, claim their clients have been tortured by police, the Gazeta daily reported.

On Sunday they distributed photos of the suspects with injuries seen on their bodies to major world media, Alexandra Zernova, an attorney for former Russian Guantanamo prisoner Rasul Kudayev, who was also arrested in Nalchik, said.

Zernova told the paper that she could not even recognize Kudayev on the photo at first due to the injuries he received at the hands of prosecutors.

The pictures will show international experts how Russia treats the 1984 International Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, the lawyer stressed.

Kudayev’s mother ...
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Boarding of international law in Chechnya

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 12/8/2005 2:56 PM

Boarding of international law in Chechnya

The knavish tactics of Moscow, which, as today it’s already obvious, cannot change its approaches to the solution of the so-called "Chechen problem". The farcical idea of the Kremlin in the ruined and burnt utterly country once again shows how marionette structures spread.

Although, after the acceptance of the bill of that forbidding activity of public organizations in Russia, there is no more reason for Kremlin comrades to hide its mask behind the democratic masks, and they go in Chechnya to the boarding of all existing standards of international law occupied.

The timer of explosive device on one of the Kremlin towers did not have time yet to announce about the beginning of farce with the so-called "selections", as in Chechnya already reported - "frontier-guards voted".

The obvious nonsense and absurdity of this "elective" play doesn’t stop Moscow. Rationalism long ...
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