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KC: Another Trial Over Muslim Egle Kusaite Begins In Lithuania. This Time Behind Closed Doors

posted by eagle on December, 2010 as Human Rights

Another trial over Muslim Egle Kusaite begins In Lithuania. This time behind closed doors

Last update: 23 December 2010, 15:35 
Publication time: 23 December 2010, 14:19 

Clearly, the FSB and its Lithuanian partners have something to hide.

On 23 December, a "Vilnius district court" ruled that the case of the Lithuanian Muslim Egle Kusaite, falsely accused of terrorism by the Russian terrorist gang KGB-FSB and its Lithuanian accomplices, would be held in closed hearings.

This provoked outrage both by Kusaite and the people who gathered to support her.

"The court has ruled to hold closed sessions, everyone who is not involved in the process, is asked to leave the room", said Virginija Svediene, chairman of the board of judges Virginija Svediene.


This statement caused outrage - the court ruled in advance. "What are you afraid of, give the reasons", the crowd asked.


"Honorable court, I ask to consider my case at a public session, I want the public to be ...

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comments (0) Polish Court Drops Russia's Request To Extradite Chechen Separatist Zakayev

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

Polish court drops Russia's request to extradite Chechen separatist Zakayev

  • The Associated Press
  • 2010/12/23

WARSAW, Poland - A Polish court has refused Russia's extradition request for Chechen separatist leader, Akhmed Zakayev, saying he is not in Poland anymore.

Zakayev was detained in Poland in September on a Russian warrant but was released the same day after a court rejected the warrant's validity before returning to Britain, where he is living in exile.

A Warsaw court said Thursday it can't extradite Zakayev because he has left the country.

Russia wants the 51-year-old Zakayev on terrorism, murder and kidnapping charges related to Chechnya's separatist wars of the 1990s, but Moscow has so far been unsuccessful in getting any country to extradite him.

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RIA Novosti: Strasbourg court fines Russia $171,000 in Chechen cases

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

Strasbourg court fines Russia $171,000 in Chechen cases

The European Court of Human Rights

The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) fined Russia a total of 130,000 euros ($171,000) on Tuesday for the abduction of a Chechen man and inefficiently investigating the death of two Chechen children in a missile attack.

The court ordered the Russian government to pay 73,500 euros ($96,528) to the relatives of Khamid Mukayev, who was abducted by Russian servicemen during an unacknowledged security operation in Katyr-Yurt (the Chechen Republic) in September 2004.

The Court considered that the relatives of Khamid Mukayev had provided a coherent and consistent account of the abduction, which had been corroborated by eye-witness statements made both to this Court and during the domestic investigation.

The other case involved two boys who were killed by a missile while walking home from school in Chechnya in 2000. The court ruled that "no effective investigation had been carried out ...

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KC: Do Russia And Austria Conspire Behind The Back Of Chechen Refugees?

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

Do Russia and Austria conspire behind the back of Chechen refugees?

Publication time: 17 December 2010, 15:30 

The Austrian state news agency APAreports about new developments around Chechen refugees in Austria:

"A political warming occurred between Austrian interior minister Maria Fekter and her Russian colleague Nurgaliyev (see photo) at a meeting in Moscow.

During her working visit to Russia, Fekter was received in the Kremlin - an honor that is very rarely granted for simple ministers.


The visit's topic was "hot". A way has been paved for a new agreement on deportation of refugees from Austria to Russia in negotiations with the Russian Federal Migration Service. This agreement will not affect many cases. This year 36 people were deported to Russia, but 516 Russian citizens returned voluntarily (? - KC).


For several years, refugees from Russia were the largest group in Austrian asylum statistics. However, in 2010, asylum applications were filed only by 1,900 Russian citizens, which is significantly less than ...

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TheStarOnline: Kasparov, Nemtsov & Yashin On Moscow’s Ethnic Riots

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

Kasparov, Nemtsov & Yashin on Moscow’s Ethnic Riots

The threats follow a weekend of ethnically-targeted violencein Moscow and St. Petersburg, after a young Russian football fan was allegedly killed by men from the North Caucasus. Police had earlier released the suspected killers, leading to speculation that they had paid off the police.

Prominent Russian opposition leaders Garry Kasparov, Boris Nemtsov, and Ilya Yashin have issued this joint statement in response to the violence.

A Different Path
Statement in regards to the massive turmoil in Moscow

On December 11, 2010, several thousand young people gathered in the center of Moscow to protest the murder of Yegor Sviridov. The demonstration ended with massive clashes with ...

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