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Google: Politkovskaya expected death: new film

posted by eagle on November, 2009 as Human Rights

Politkovskaya expected death: new film

PARIS — Two years before she was killed in the stairwell of her Moscow apartment, Anna Politkovskaya mused about life as the Kremlin's number one enemy and pronounced it a "miracle" that she was still alive.

The journalist, lauded for her fearless reporting of Russian atrocities in Chechnya, made the comment during the interviews that make up the moving documentary film "Lettre a Anna" (Letter to Anna) released this week in France.

The letter of the title is written by Swiss filmmaker Eric Bergkraut who had recorded four in-depth interviews with Politkovskaya for another film on Russia when she was murdered on October 7, 2006.

He quickly decided to shift focus and the result is a 75-minute documentary featuring Politkovskaya as well as conversations with her grieving family and colleagues at the Novaya Gazeta newspaper where she worked.

"Why am I still alive? I think it's ...

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HRW: Russia: Suspects In Caucasus Attack Ill-Treated

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

Russia: Suspects in Caucasus Attack Ill-Treated

Lawyers Illegally Removed From Cases of Abused Suspects in Nalchik
November 17, 2005

Russian law enforcement officials have used ill-treatment to coerce confessions from suspects in the October 13 armed attacks in the Northern Caucasus city of Nalchik, Human Rights Watch said today.

During a fact-finding trip to the region, Human Rights Watch researchers collected convincing evidence that at least eight persons who were detained on suspicion of participation in the attacks were subjected to ill-treatment that in some cases may amount to torture.

“Russian law enforcement routinely uses torture in its counterterrorism operations,” said Holly Cartner, Europe and Central Asia director for Human Rights Watch. “The illegal practice of fighting one human rights abuse with another must be stopped immediately.”

On October 13, skirmishes broke out between a group of armed men and police and security forces in Nalchik, the capital of the North Caucasus region of Kabardino-Balkaria. The ...

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HRW: EU: Urge Russia To Protect Activists

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

Summit Key Opportunity to Press Moscow to Regain Lost Momentum for Reform
NOVEMBER 17, 2009

(Moscow) - European leaders should use the upcoming EU-Russia summit to convey alarm over deteriorating human rights in Russia and to press for concrete improvements, Human Rights Watch said today. The summit is scheduled for November 18 and 19, 2009, in Stockholm.

During the past year, Russia has suffered unprecedented blows to its human rights community, with at least five independent civic activists murdered, and others imprisoned, beaten, and harassed. A leading rights activist is facing criminal charges for speaking out over the murder of a colleague. Violence has surged in the North Caucasus.

"At the last EU-Russia summit there was hope for civil society reform in Russia," said Allison Gill, Moscow office director for Human Rights Watch. "Six months later, at least four more activists have been murdered, showing how vulnerable independent voices still are in Russia. The time ...

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Amnesty International: Russian Federation: Woman abducted In Chechnya: Zarema Gaisanova

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

Russian Federation: Woman abducted in Chechnya: Zarema Gaisanova

Index Number: EUR 46/026/2009
Date Published: 17 November 2009

Zarema Gaisanova, a 39-year-old Chechen woman, was abducted on 31 October 2009 in the Chechen capital, Grozny, in the Russian Federation's North Caucasus region. It appears that law enforcement officials may have been responsible for her abduction. She has not been seen since then. Zarema Gaisanova's mother was told by a representative of the Public Prosecutor’s office that she was alive, but he could not give her more information.

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CK: Detained Human Rights Activist Arbi Khachukaev Set Free In Chechnya

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

Detained human rights activist Arbi Khachukaev set free in Chechnya

Nov 06 2009, 23:00

Arbi Khachukaev, head of the public organization named "Pravo" (Law), detained on November 5 in Moscow and convoyed to Chechnya, has been released from custody.

Local power agencies structures have categorically refuted the information that Arbi Khachukaev was detained on charges of complicity to separatists or in connection with the recent murder in the Grozny District of his younger brother, who was announced by power agents to be an active member of illegal armed formations. An official in the Chechen MIA told the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent that such statements "were far-fetched and had nothing to do with reality."

The source has added that Khachukaev, being the person engaged in human rights activities, should know the laws and understand his responsibility for refusal to appear at interrogations, but instead "he preferred to hide from the investigation, and when he was brought to interrogation by ...

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