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Jamestown Foundation: Rights Activists; Chechen Authorities Passing Off Slain Young People As Rebels

posted by eagle on November, 2009 as Human Rights

Rights Activists; Chechen Authorities Passing Off Slain Young People as Rebels

Publication: Eurasia Daily Monitor 
November 10, 2009 01:37 PM 

By: The Jamestown Foundation

Artur Duzgaev

Chechen officials claim to have killed and captured a large number of rebels in the republic in recent weeks. However, human rights groups have cast doubts on the claims, saying that some of those identified as rebels were in fact civilian non-combatants.

The Kavkazsky Uzel (Caucasian Knot) website today (November 10) quoted an unidentified Chechen security official as saying that 35 rebels were killed and another 42 rebels and their accomplices were captured in Chechnya in October alone. The source said six rebel bases and nine arms caches were discovered last month, from which 37 small arms, seven anti-tank grenade launchers with 30 rounds and more than 6,000 rounds of small arms ammunition were seized.

Judging by reports this week, the battlefield successes of Chechen security forces are continuing. Interfax reported ...

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HRW: Memorandum In Advance Of EU-Russia Human Rights Consultations

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

Human Rights Watch Recommendations October 2009
OCTOBER 28, 2009

Human Rights Watch appreciates the opportunity to contribute to the ongoing preparations for the November 5-6, 2009 EU-Russia human rights consultations in Stockholm.

We believe the deterioration in human rights protections in Russia has reached a critical point that the EU needs to reflect as it assesses Russia's commitment to the shared values articulated in the EU-Russia Partnership and Cooperation Agreement, currently being renegotiated. The recent spate of murders of human rights defenders and other violations detailed in this memo are unprecedented even in the recent years of Russia's deteriorating human rights record. They need to be fully factored into a sober assessment of how the EU can formulate its engagement with Russia in a manner consistent ...

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Window On Eurasia: Officials In Russian Capital Refuse To Renew Leases Of Two Prominent Rights Groups

posted by eagle on as Human Rights


Window on Eurasia: Officials in Russian Capital Refuse to Renew Leases of Two Prominent Rights Groups

Paul Goble

Vienna, November 7 – Moscow city officials are refusing to renew the leases of two leading Russian human rights activist groups, an action that the groups are appealing but that some observers are explaining as official retribution for the participation of these groups in recent anti-government protests and as a reflection of negative trends in Russian life. 
Yesterday, Lyudmila Alekseyeva, the dean of Russian human rights activists and the head of the Moscow Helsinki Group, said that Moscow city officials were refusing to extend the lease the Group has for offices in the Russian capital. Lev Ponomaryev, head of the For Human Rights Movement, said officials had taken the same action against his group.
Both of them have appealed to Vladimir Lukin, the Russian government rights ombudsman, and Aleksandr Muzaykantsky, Lukin’s Moscow city ...

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Prague Watchdog: No Asylum

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

November 7th 2009 · Prague Watchdog / Usam Baysayev · CLOSE THIS WINDOW · PRINT THIS ARTICLE

No asylum

By Usam Baysayev (Memorial), special to Prague Watchdog

Oslo, Norway

Figures I have received from a Norwegian human rights organization do not make encouraging reading for Chechens hoping to emigrate to Norway. According to these estimates, in the first six months of 2009 Norway’s migration authorities (UDI and UNE) reviewed 241 "Chechen" cases. 151 of these were straightforward rejections, but in 89 cases the rejections were masked by the so-called “Dublin II” decree, which stipulates that if applicants have entered another EU country before entering Norway, they may be sent back there. Most often the other country is either Poland or the Czech Republic with their refugee camps and a very high probability of deportation to Mother Russia.

The view of the situation in the Chechen Republic taken by the Norwegian migration authorities is, to say the least, a curious one. One refugee (I ...

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The Other Russia: Moscow Lawyer Faces Disciplinary Proceedings For Activism

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Moscow Lawyer Faces Disciplinary Proceedings for Activism

November 4th, 2009

The qualifications commission of the Moscow City Bar is threatening to strip Solidarity member Evgeny Arkhipov of his status as a lawyer, according to a November 3 press release from the Association of Russian Lawyers for Human Rights.

According to the press release, the twelve-person commission believes that lawyers have no right to engage in social activism. On this basis, the commission held a session on October 28 to demand an initiation for disciplinary proceedings against Arkhipov.

Arkhipov says he had only been given a day’s notice about the session, despite being required to attend. He asserts that upon arrival, members of the commission “didn’t let me say a single word, blamed me for some absurd things, and screamed endlessly.” He also said that they failed to introduce themselves or name their posts.

The press release asserted that “Such prohibitions are established neither in the law ...

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