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Window On Eurasia: Moscow Seeks And Finds Assistance Abroad For Its Fight Against ‘Extremists’

posted by eagle on November, 2009 as Human Rights


Window on Eurasia: Moscow Seeks and Finds Assistance Abroad for Its Fight against ‘Extremists’

Paul Goble

Vienna, November 18 – Russian officials are finding “ever greater understanding” for and even direct support of their approach to fighting what Moscow calls “extremism” not only in the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States but also in the West, according to an expert on Russian intelligence and security affairs.
In an article in today’s “Yezhednevny zhurnal,” Irina Borogan, who works as an editor at the Internet portal, says that the efforts of the Russian powers that be “to control the behavior” of Russians “in the near future” will not end at the borders of the Russian Federation (
She argues that such “international cooperation” is “simply the next step in the realization of control over the population.” Given that closing borders “Soviet-style” is not practical in today’s world, “the law enforcement organs ...

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BBC NEWS: EU Concern At Russia Human Rights

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

Wednesday, 18 November 2009

EU concern at Russia human rights

The EU is Moscow's biggest trading partner

Sweden's prime minister has expressed disquiet about Russia's human rights situation after an EU-Russia summit in Stockholm.

Fredrik Reinfeldt, whose country holds the EU's rotating presidency, said: "We exchanged views on human rights, the rule of law in Russia and democracy.

"This is an increasing cause for concern," he added.

Moscow and Brussels are still rebuilding relations after falling out over last year's Georgia-Russia war.

EU leaders were also due to discuss key issues such as trade and energy with their Russian counterparts.

" There is a level of mutual dependence - 
we depend on them for energy supplies and 
we are energy consumers for them" 

Alexander Stubb
Finnish Foreign Minister

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev was quoted by Reuters news agency as saying that Russia hoped to complete a new economic co-operation pact with the EU soon.

"We are now agreeing the points of ...

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RFE/RL: Interview: International PEN Marks Day Of The Imprisoned Writer

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

November 15, 2009

Interview: International PEN Marks Day Of The Imprisoned Writer

International PEN -- the worldwide association of writers -- marks the Day of the Imprisoned Writer this time each year. Its aim is to recognize and support writers who resist repression of their basic human right to freedom of expression. While International PEN campaigns on behalf of hundreds of authors all year round, this November 15 the group is highlighting the cases of five authors in five countries, representing five geographical regions. The countries are Cameroon, Iran, China, Russia, and Mexico. RFE/RL correspondent Bruce Pannier spoke to Sara Wyatt, director of the writers in prison committee at International PEN, about the campaign.

RFE/RL: Iran is one of the countries that has an author on your priority list. Is Iran a particularly noteworthy abuser of writers' rights?

Sara Wyatt: The rights and prison committee of International PEN will be 50 years old next year, ...

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KC: Turkish NGOs Warn: ''Situation In Chechnya Is Dangerous To Human Life''

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

Turkish NGOs warn: ''Situation in Chechnya is dangerous to human life''

Publication time: 16 November 2009, 12:33 

On November 13, a group of Turkish NGOs organized a joint press conference and explained the humanitarian situation in Chechnya.


Necati Ceylan, chairman of TGTV (Turkey Volunteers Unit Foundation); Attorney Cihat Gokdemir, chairman of Istanbul branch office of Mazlumder (The Association of Human Rights and Solidarity For Oppressed People); Kenan Alpay, vice chairman of Ozgur-Der (The Association of Free Thought and Education Rights); and Bulent Yildirim, chairman of IHH (The Foundation for Human Rights and Freedom and Humanitarian Relief) came together for Chechnya on November 13 at Resadiye Hotel in Istanbul city of Turkey.


Turkish NGOs draw attention to human rights situation in Chechnya and pro-Moscow puppet Kadyrov's attempts in Turkey.


"250 thousand civilian people died in Chechnya and hundreds of thousands of Chechen became refugee in ongoing brutal Russian invasion for 16 sixteen years. 500 thousand Chechens ...

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Agentura: Corporate Secrets Watch

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

Corporate Secrets Watch

Amendments to Law on Treason Seen Protecting State Corporations

Andrei Soldatov

The new amendments to the Criminal Code, although they concern such crimes against the state as treason, the disclosure of state secrets, and espionage, are more aimed at protecting the interests of state corporations than the state. And even the most ardent supporters of Russian state capitalism can hardly claim that they are one and the same thing.

In any long-running process (and secure classification began in our country long before Putin) it is desirable to understand what grouping benefits from each of its specific phases. During Mr Primakov's premiership, for example, it benefited the lobbyists committed to ensuring that the decision-making process in the Cabinet of Ministers should be as closed as possible -- it was then that there was first talk about penalties for "leaks." Then came the time of beneficiaries from the counterintelligence services, and, thanks to ...

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