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Georgians in Russia fear for their future as Moscow-Tbilisi dispute escalates

posted by zaina19 on October, 2006 as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 10/20/2006 2:38 AM
Moscow Officials Pursue Caucasian Residents

Georgians in Russia fear for their future as Moscow-Tbilisi dispute escalates

By Vahe Avanesian and Lala Nuri in Moscow and Sopho Bukia in Tbilisi
For a week now, Gia Paichadze has not left his apartment on Bagritsky Street in Moscow, which he’s been renting for two years, except for a quick dash to a nearby kiosk to buy food or a newspaper.

A week ago, Paichadze was still working as the manager of a chain of grocery shops outside Moscow. The shops, which all belonged to ethnic Georgians, have now all been shut down, and signs on the doors say they are “closed for technical reasons”.

Paichadeze said they had taken the decision to shut the shops themselves, after the daily visits by tax officials, health inspectors and others had become unbearable.

“The point is that we are Georgians, and that explains everything,” ...
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Human-rights agencies in Russia grind to a halt

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 10/20/2006 10:10 AM :: Northwest Arkansas Arkansas Democrat-Gazette
Human-rights agencies in Russia grind to a halt


Posted on Friday, October 20, 2006


MOSCOW — Russia brushed aside U. S. objections Thursday and forced nearly 100 foreign nongovernmental organizations, including leading human-rights groups, to suspend operations for missing a deadline for re-registration under a tough new law.

Those who had to stop work included Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, which have been persistent critics of President Vladimir Putin, and some accused the authorities of deliberately keeping them in legal limbo.

Kim Reed, an nongovernmental organization lawyer who is advising several foreign groups, said the Federal Registration Service was creating constant delays by insisting on minor changes to documents that the head offices had to prepare from scratch.

“It appears that if you are an organization involved in human rights or democracy activities, then your ...
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Human Rights Watch office in Moscow suspends its work

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 10/20/2006 11:45 AM

Human Rights Watch office in Moscow suspends its work

The Moscow-based office of the international human rights organization Human Rights Watch has suspended its activities. The reason is that the Russian branch of the Human Rights Watch has not yet passed its reregistration under the new Law on Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), Allison Gil, head of the office, reported.

She said that the branch of the Human Rights Watch delivered all the necessary documents to the "Rosregistratsia" (Russian Registration Agency) at the end of September, the "Interfax" informs.

October 18 was the deadline of the six-month period, during which all the foreign-based NGOs were obliged to get reregistered. The failed organizations have to stop their activities. Out of several hundreds NGOs, a little more than 90 have succeeded in the procedure. The remaining ones have been granted the right to present their documents ...
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In Karelia, another cafe belonging to Caucasian natives set on fire

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 10/20/2006 11:48 AM

In Karelia, another cafe belonging to Caucasian natives set on fire

In the city of Olonets (Karelia), unknown persons set on fire bar "Ogonyok" (Ginger), belonging to natives of North Caucasus, the regional department of the Ministry for Emergencies ("MChS") informed.

According to the fire-fighting service, bar "Ogonyok" belongs to citizen Gelaev, resident of Olonets, who provides the premises of the bar into lease to entrepreneur Gasanov, the "Interfax" reports.

Earlier, the Bureau of the World Russian People's Sobor (WRPS) expressed its deep concern with the events in Karelian Kondopoga and draw attention of the law enforcement bodies of Karelia to "unsatisfactory situation with inter-ethnic relations in the cities of Olonets and Petrozavodsk, where the Chechens, who escaped from Kondopoga, moved to join their relatives." Currently, the largest Vainakh Diaspora in Karelia lives in Olonets.

We remind you that the cause of disorders ...
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Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International accuse "Rosregistratsia" of red-tape ("volokita")

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 10/20/2006 11:57 AM

Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International accuse "Rosregistratsia" of red-tape ("volokita")

Since today, Moscow branch of Human Rights Watch (HRW) has suspended its operations, since not yet being reregistered under the new Law on Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs). Yesterday was the last day of the six-month period after enactment of the Law on NGOs provided for foreign-based NGOs to get reregistered in Russia.

"The HRW's Moscow branch is in reregistration process. We haven't finished it because of endless cavils to the document format, sort of "missing seals," etc.: mass of such claims, absolutely formal. Some paper was lost at the "Rosregistratsia" (Russian Registration Agency), despite our having done everything according to the list, and we had to restore it. Because of all that, we still can't submit the package for reregistration. It's also related to endless correspondence with New York," Alexander Petrov, ...
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