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Russia Ignores Decision of European Court of Human Rights

posted by zaina19 on October, 2006 as Human Rights

27.10.2006 12:58 MSK
Russia Ignores Decision of European Court of Human Rights
RUSSIA, Moscow. A Moscow court ruled on October 17 to deport Uzbekistani citizen Rustam Muminov from Russia because he is not registered in this country. In Uzbekistan, Muminov is wanted on charges of membership in the Hizb ut-Tahir Party. The European Court of Human Rights ruled on October 24 to stop his deportation. In spite if that court’s decision, Muminov was deported to Uzbekistan that evening.

At the beginning of February of this year, Muminov was taken into custody in Gryaz, Lipetsk Region, at the request of Uzbek authorities. He was taken from a Lipetsk holding facility in Lipetsk to Gryaz on September 28. He was freed the next day after the Russian Prosecutor General’s Office overruled the decision of the Gryaz Interdistrict Prosecutor to deport him to Uzbekistan.

On September 29, the Gryaz prosecutor press misdemeanor charges of lacking registration against ...
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Tribal Chiefs In Russia's Colony in Siberia Suffer Repressions from Russian Imperialists

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 10/26/2006 7:23 AM
Tribal Chiefs In Russia's Colony in Siberia Suffer Repressions from Russian Imperialists
Publication time: Today at 12:58 Djokhar time

Tribal chief in the Russian-held "autonomous Russian republic of Altai" ptotest Moscow plans to abolish autonomy. They don't demand full independence yet. Nonetheless, Russians vowed severe repression to those who oppose their imperialist plans.

Altai, a colony of Russia in Siberia, is populated by a Turk people.

The FSB  recently went so far as to start persecution of an editor of a Live Journal  who protested in Internet against the plans of Russian imperialists to abolish the autonomy. The FSB agents are now trying to locate the editor who used a nickname Zaisan (Tribal Chief) and to punish him.


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Belarusian Opposition Leader Wins Sakharov Prize

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 10/26/2006 8:04 AM
Thursday, October 26, 2006

Belarusian Opposition Leader Wins Sakharov Prize

Belarus -- Alyaksandr Milinkevich (portrait) sentenced to 15 days in jail on charges of organizing an unsanctioned protest rally in Minsk, 27 Apr. 2006
Milinkevich served 15 days in jail for participating in an unsanctioned demonstration in April
PRAGUE, October 26, 2006 (RFE/RL) -- Belarusian opposition leader Alyaksandr Milinkevich has been awarded the Sakharov Prize, the European Union's top human rights award.

Milinkevich won the prize for his work organizing pro-democracy activists in Belarus.

He is in illustrious company. Past winners of the Sakharov Prize have been rights campaigners Nelson Mandela and Wei Jingsheng, and Czech leader Alexander Dubcek.

European Parliament President Josep Borrell announced the prize in Strasbourg today.

"I had the honor of receiving [Milinkevich] in January and conveying to him the support of the European Parliament -- to him personally, but also to all those who, like ...
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"Rosregistratsia": over 120 branches of foreign NGOs have passed re-registration

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights


"Rosregistratsia": over 120 branches of foreign NGOs have passed re-registration

Over 120 branches and affiliates of foreign-based non-governmental organizations in Russia have succeeded in their re-registration procedure that has become mandatory under the Law on NGOs, the "Interfax" was told at Federal Registration Service ("Rosregistratsia").

"As of Wednesday morning, 123 foreign NGOs have completed their re-registration procedure and have been entered into the Registry," Galina Fokina, acting head of "Rosregistratsia" Department for the matters of political parties, public and religious associations, reported. She said that the documents of 67 more organizations are under examination. Besides, she informed that in the documents of 22 entities slight deficiencies were found, and they were returned for correction.

We remind you that a number of representative offices of foreign-based NGOs have suspended their activities in Russia, awaiting re-registration.

See earlier reports: "Bill on control over NCOs' capitals brought to Duma." "MHG: 400 NGO branches suspended ...
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Politkovskaya article prompts inquiry into Chechen brutality

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 10/24/2006 6:55 PM
Politkovskaya article prompts inquiry into Chechen brutality
By Andrew Osborn in Moscow
Published: 25 October 2006
Prosecutors have opened a criminal investigation into the deaths of Russian troops in Chechnya based on revelations by the murdered investigative journalist Anna Politkovskaya.
An article, published more than six months before Politkovskaya was killed, suggests that Kremlin-backed local militia in Chechnya are attacking and murdering Russian servicemen - soldiers who are supposed to be their allies.
Politkovskaya made a name for herself by exposing human rights abuses committed by Russian forces and separatist rebels in Chechnya, a Muslim southern republic that has experienced two wars since 1994.
The Kremlin claims that the second Chechen war, which started in 1999, is now over and that something approaching normality has returned. Politkovskaya rejected that claim. She was shot dead in a contract killing earlier this month ...
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