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HRW: Russia: Sarkozy, Merkel Should Raise Rights Issues With Medvedev

posted by eagle on October, 2010 as Human Rights

Russia: Sarkozy, Merkel Should Raise Rights Issues With Medvedev

In the last two years, the Kremlin’s upbeat talk about human rights has improved Russia’s international standing. Sadly, though, the human rights climate in Russia remains very hostile.

Anna Sevortian, Russia office director
Moscow Should Call a Halt to Restrictions, Attacks Against Human Rights Defenders
October 15, 2010

(Moscow) - French and German leaders should use their meetings with President Dmitry Medvedev of Russia on October 18 and 19, 2010, to challenge Russia's human rights record and urge the Kremlin to foster safe working conditions for human rights defenders, Human Rights Watch said today.

Medvedev, President Nicolas Sarkozy of France and Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany will come together in Deauville, France, for a preparatory meeting before the upcoming G-20 Summit.

"In the last two years, the Kremlin's upbeat talk about human rights has improved Russia's international standing," said Anna Sevortian, ...

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CK: Rustam Dzeitov, Kidnapped In Ingushetia, Found In Vladikavkaz SIZO

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

Rustam Dzeitov, kidnapped in Ingushetia, found in Vladikavkaz SIZO

Oct 13 2010, 22:20

The whereabout is now known of Rustam Maksharipovich Dzeitov, born in 1982, a resident of the village of Ekazhevo, whose kidnapping on September 7 by unidentified power agents from his home was reported by his relatives. As of October 12, Rustam Dzeitov was kept in SIZO (pre-trial prison) in Vladikavkaz, says the message of the Human Rights Centre (HRC) "Memorial" received by the "Caucasian Knot".

On September 27, Ruslan Dzeitov, Rustam's brother, addressed his written statement to the HRC "Memorial". On the same day their father - Maksharip Dzeitov - received a summons from the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA) of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania. When he came there, Maksharip learnt that his son was kept at the SIZO of the local MIA.

According to Maksharip Dzeitov, his son was beaten for several days and forced to slander himself. Rustam admitted possession of ...

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CK: European Court Acknowledged Russia Guilty Of Disappearance Of Women In Chechnya

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

European Court acknowledged Russia guilty of disappearance of women in Chechnya

Oct 08 2010, 19:00

European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) has acknowledged the Russian Federation guilty of kidnapping of two young residents of Chechnya in 2002 and 2003.

The Court in Strasbourg stated that Russia had not provided a proper investigation in order to make clear what had happened to two Chechen girls and in this way caused their relatives more suffering.

The resolution of the Court runs that for both girls have not been found up to the moment "taking into consideration the situation in Chechnya, they are most probably no longer alive", Deutsche Wellе writes.

European Court sentenced Russia to paying a total compensation sum of 321 thousand euros to the missing girls' families.

See earlier reports: "ECtHR fines Russia by 207,000 euros under claims of Chechen residents," "Court awards 30,000 roubles of compensation to resident of Chechnya for inspector's actions," "European MPs condemn kidnapping of ...

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CK: Ingushetia Commemorates Anna Politkovskaya

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

Ingushetia commemorates Anna Politkovskaya

Oct 08 2010, 23:10

A memory rally of Anna Politkovskaya, a journalist of the "Novaya Gazeta", who was murdered 4 years ago, took place in Ingushetia, in the office of the human rights organization "Mashr".

"The murder of such person is without doubt a huge loss not only for all of us, her friends and colleagues, but also for our whole country," Magomed Mutsolgov, the "Mashr" leader, has emphasized.

In his speech, he told frankly that Anna was not only his colleague, but a friend. "When once asked by some military: 'Aren't you afraid to suffer yourself by defending other people?' Anna answered: 'I'll always be on the side of weak and defenceless people, this is my position in life'," said Magomed Mutsolgov.

In total some twenty persons came to the event; Mohamed Yandiev was present, about whose kidnapped son Timur Anna wrote; Zurab Tsechoev, a human rights activist: his brother was kidnapped along ...

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CK: In Moscow, Caucasians' Wives State Kidnapping Of Their Husbands By Power Agents

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

In Moscow, Caucasians' wives state kidnapping of their husbands by power agents

Oct 08 2010, 23:20

In late September five of the natives of the Caucasus disappeared in Russian capital; their relatives suggest that they were detained by security agents and kept in one of Moscow's detention facilities. The wives of two of them - Zelimkhan Chibiev and Magomed Israpilov - told about it to human rights activists and asked for legal assistance.

According to the applicants, all the disappearances knew each other.

Aneta Sushneva, wife of one of the missing persons, told the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent that on October 2 they turned to the OVD (District Interior Division) of Dolgoprudny. "Then, together with Xenia Nazhmutdinova, we went to Tsaritsino, as we learned that our husbands had been seen there for the last time. As I understand, five men were kidnapped in total. My husband and Xenia's husband were driving in their cars in one direction. I ...

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