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Moscow Times: Criminal Case Opened Against Rights Group Chairman

posted by eagle on October, 2009 as Human Rights

Criminal Case Opened Against Rights Group Chairman


A lawyer for Chechnya's strongman president said Tuesday that a criminal libel case carrying possible prison time has been opened against one of Russia's most prominent human rights activists, news agencies reported.

The report of the case against Oleg Orlov, chairman of Memorial, comes less than a week after the European Union awarded its top human rights honor, the Sakharov Prize, to Orlov and two other activists.

The case stems from Orlov's statement in July that Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov bore responsibility for the July abduction and killing of Natalya Estemirova, the head of Memorial's Chechnya operation who drew Kadyrov's ire by reporting on human rights violations there.

Orlov did not say that Kadyrov was directly involved in the killing, but said the former separatist rebel and boxer had created a climate of intimidation and impunity that encourages violent retaliation.

Kadyrov won a civil libel suit ...

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Window On Eurasia: ‘Without Independent Courts, Russia’s Opposition Won’t Achieve Anything’

posted by eagle on as Human Rights


Window on Eurasia: ‘Without Independent Courts, Russia’s Opposition Won’t Achieve Anything’

Paul Goble

Vienna, October 26 – Russia’s opposition might be close to achieving one of the requirements for achieving fundamental political change – winning enough votes to plausibly claim their victory in an election had been stolen – but unless the courts have the independence needed to rule that is the case, one analyst says, the opposition “won’t achieve anything.”
In an essay on the portal, Valery Promyslovsky argues that the powers that be thus have even more reason than ever before to maintain political control over the court system rather than allowing the judiciary to develop “genuine and not just formal independence” as the Russian Constitution requires (
That in turn has two consequences which are sometimes overlooked. On the one hand, the powers that be are going to rely ever more frequently on the judiciary to keep ...

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Reuters: Russia iI U.N. Rights Dock For Journalist Murders

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

Russia in U.N. rights dock for journalist murders

Thu Oct 15, 2009 1:46pm EDT

* U.N. experts grill Russia on Politkovskaya, other murders * Ask about independence of judges, Chechnya abductions

* Debate follows Moscow visit of Hillary Clinton

By Stephanie Nebehay

GENEVA, Oct 15 (Reuters) - Russia was grilled on Thursday by U.N. human rights experts over murders of journalists and activists, the independence of its judiciary and abductions during counter-terrorism campaigns in Chechnya.

Georgy Matyushkin, deputy justice minister, led a 24-member delegation sent to defend Russia's record at the U.N. Human Rights Committee, where debate continues on Friday.

The discussion came one day after U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton visited Moscow and called on Russia to prevent attacks on activists challenging the Kremlin. [ID:nLE140486]

"The physical danger to people who speak out on human rights in Russia is still striking," said Ruth Wedgwood, an American expert on the U.N. panel. "People who are either journalists ...

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posted by eagle on as Human Rights


12 Oct 2009

An international conference on press freedom in Vienna, reports Andrei Soldatov, included a suprising guest: a Russian security service agent.

For the first time in almost a decade. the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) has decided to take part in a discussion on media coverage of the war on terror. In early October it sent one of its officials to the “War on Words” conference on this subject held by the International Press Institute in Vienna.

The presence of the Russian security services at an international discussion about press coverage of counterterrorism was surprising. After all, this is precisely the area of press freedom that is most systematically suppressed in Russia. And the originator and the main beneficiary of this strategy is the FSB.

The process has actually started in 1999 with the Second Chechen war: the Kremlin appeared to have learned the lessons of the conflict in ...

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Window On Eurasia: Russian Nationalists Take Credit For Conviction Of Non-Russian Immigrants

posted by eagle on as Human Rights


Window on Eurasia: Russian Nationalists Take Credit for Conviction of Non-Russian Immigrants

Paul Goble

Vienna, October 10 – Russian nationalists have long complained that Russian prosecutors and courts have used that country’s anti-extremist laws almost exclusively against ethnic Russians rather than applying them to non-Russian immigrants, who, the nationalists insist, violate these laws far more often.
But now for the first time, according to the Russian media, a Moscow court this week convicted six young people from Azerbaijan who had been charged with beating two ethnic Russian teenagers in May 2008 while shouting “Kill the Russians!” and sentenced them to lengthy prison terms (
And while Russian nationalists say that the six, who the media but not the courts have said are members of a gang called the Black Hawks, should have received even more severe punishments and would have had the ethnicity of the perpetrators and victims had been reversed, ...

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