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MEPs and an NGO scold Europe over human rights record

posted by zaina19 on January, 2006 as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 1/23/2006 3:03 PM

Published: Friday 20 January 2006 | Updated: Friday 20 January 2006
MEPs and an NGO scold Europe over human rights record

In Short:

Human Rights Watch has accused European countries of ignoring extensive human rights abuses in China and Russia. The European Parliament is calling on the EU institutions to "confront their responsibilities" in raising concerns about human rights.
Brief News:

In a joint resolution adopted on 19 January, the European Parliament strongly condemned all acts of terrorism committed throughout the Russian Federation. Specifically, the MEPs expressed their deep concern over the failure by the Council and the Commission to address the ongoing serious human rights violations in the Chechen Republic.

The resolution urges the Council and the Commission to "confront their responsibilities" in connection with the "most serious human rights issues" in the Union's immediate neighbourhood. The MEPs have also called on the Commission to ...
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Russian Colonel Who Averted Nuclear War Receives World Citizen Award

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 1/24/2006 2:37 AM

Frame from NTV Channel

Frame from NTV Channel
Russian Colonel Who Averted Nuclear War Receives World Citizen Award

Created: 20.01.2006 13:18 MSK (GMT +3), Updated: 13:18 MSK > document.write(get_ago(1137752286)); </SCRIPT>


Retired Russian colonel Stanislav Petrov received a special World Citizen Award at a UN meeting in New York on Thursday. Petrov was honored as the “Man Who Averted Nuclear War”.

In a meeting held at the UN’s Dag Hammarskjold Auditorium on Jan. 19, the Association of World Citizens (AWC) presented the retired officer with his award.

The inscription on the award, which has a granite base with a solid glass hand holding the earth, read: “The single hand that holds the earth symbolizes your heroic deed on September 26, 1983 that earned you the title: The Man Who Averted Nuclear War.” The back of the award read: “May the hand now symbolize humanity united to save our world ...
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Mikhail Trepashkin placed in isolation

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 1/24/2006 2:54 AM
20.1.2006 21:39 MSK
Mikhail Trepashkin placed in isolation
Mikhail Trepashkin
Mikhail Trepashkin
RUSSIA, Nizhniy Tagil, Sverdlovsk Region. Attorney Mikhail Trepashkin, in prison on the charge of divulging state secrets, was placed in isolation for three days on January 17th. The occasion for this treatment was that he allegedly raised his voice in a conversation with the doctor.

Attorney Elena Liptser, in a conversation with a correspondent of PRIMA–News, said that her client suffers bronchial asthma; the diagnosis is officially confirmed. Liptser reported that precisely at the time the disease was getting worse, instead of treating it, they placed Trepashkin in SHIZO (penalty isolation). This was during a period of very severe frost, and the building is badly heated. Liptser called the conditions of Trepashkin's treatment in SHIZO inhuman, and even torture. She said that Trepashkin, together with his other attorney, has assembled a tax complaint against the ...
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Prisoners in Orenburg reject medication to protest treatment

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 1/24/2006 2:57 AM
20.1.2006 21:33 MSK
Prisoners in Orenburg reject medication to protest treatment
RUSSIA, Orenburg. Prisoners suffering from tuberculosis in penal colony YUK-2SHCH/YA in Orenburg, began a mass protest action against on January 12th against the illegal actions of the colony’s administration. They rejected medicine and medical procedures.

As reported on January 19th to the public movement "For the Rights of Man", by the Orenburg provincial public organization "Assistance and Protection", a statement addressing human rights activists was signed by 113 people.

The protest action was caused by the actions of administrators during a planned search of the property of prisoners on January 12th. Bed linen, pillows and mattresses were torn, personal effects were taken, and food reserves were trampled. Sick prisoners were threatened with SHIZO or PKT (penalty isolation). It should be noted that there is severe frost in Orenburg.

If the administration does not return the prisoner’s ...
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Chechnya: Council of Europe must take action

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 1/24/2006 7:00 AM
Chechnya: Council of Europe must take action
The human rights situation in the Chechen Republic is under scrutiny at the January session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE). Members of parliament of the 46 member states of the Council of Europe will debate a report by the Parliamentary Assembly’s Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights. The report states that “[t]here is no end to gross human rights abuses in Chechnya” and urges the Committee of Ministers “to confront its responsibilities in the face of one of the most serious human rights issues in any of the Council of Europe’s member states”.
Amnesty International welcomes the fact that PACE continues to call attention to the grave human rights situation in the North Caucasus and to make recommendations to both the Russian Federation and to the bodies and mechanisms of the ...
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