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KC: Pro-Terrorist Group Leader Calls For Assassinations Of KC Journalists And Finnish Human Rights Activists

posted by eagle on April, 2011 as Human Rights

Pro-terrorist group leader calls for assassinations of KC journalists and Finnish human rights activists

Publication time: 14 April 2011, 23:31 

A press conference organized by the leader of a Finnish pro-terrorist SAFKA group, which is suspected of being funded by the international terrorist network of the FSB Russia, Backman, was held in Helsinki on April 14. Finnish newspapers did not report a single word about it, because it was a very small event and not worthy of public attention.

Russian terrorist media outlets, however, paid a lot of attention to it. A hardcore KGB website LifeNews devoted to this gathering a large article entitled "Finns (i.e., Backman and the company - KC) accuse Nemtsov of Nazi ties".

The text of this KGB propaganda garbage made no mention, however, of any of these so-called "Nazis":


"The Finnish human rights defenders (actually, the Finnish agents of the terrorist group of the FSB - KC) said that they were angered with an increasing activity of the Nazis who work closely with Chechen terrorists and Russian opposition movements.
Kronh (a Zionist member of the Backman-Molari pro-terrorist group - KC) said that the Kavkaz Center is strongly supported by the Finnish-Russian Civic Forum (it is a Finnish human rights organization - KC), whose leadership included (prominent Russian Democratic opposition leaders - KC) Nemtsov, Ponomariov and Kasparov in the past.

The above-mentioned Forum supports terrorists and is engaged in anti-Russian propaganda.

Once the opposition leaders names were mentioned, Backman rose up in anger.


- "The Kavkaz Center and the Finnish-Russian Civic Forum are closely related, it's almost the same group, - he said. - They are trying to unite all radical anti-Russian forces. Nemtsov, Kasparov, Limonov, and others - they are very useful toys in this game.

Backman said that the Forum invited Russian opposition leaders and Nationalists to speak in the Finnish parliament and criticize Russia.


- They will make aggressive attempts to destabilize the situation in Russia, - warned Beckman. - Their main goal is to disrupt the presidential election. They will do anything to achieve that.

After the press conference, Johan Backman wondered why Russian security services have not yet destroyed the website Kavkaz Center.


- Why do they hesitate? - he asked loudly. - International Law allows them to do that(apparently, Backman meant not the International Law which strongly forbids it but some secret instructions for the operation of the terrorist gang of the FSB outside Russia in organizing political assassinations - KC). After all, the Kavkaz Center and the Finnish-Russian Civic Forum threaten Russia's security". End quote.

In other words, Backman openly called for the murder of the journalists of the Kavkaz Center and Finnish politicians.

It is to be recalled that earlier, a Backman's criminal accomplice, pastor Molari, publicly appealed with a similar request to the FSB on an Internet video, asking the Russian thugs to blow up the KC servers and to kill the KC journalists. On April 14, Molari was prohibited by his bishop of the Finnish Lutheran Church from exercising priestly ministry for the crimes that have nothing to do with the Kavkaz Center.

Department of Monitoring

Kavkaz Center

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