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CK: Musa Pliev: Authorities Won't Ensure Security Of Ingushes-Migrants

posted by eagle on January, 2011 as Human Rights

Musa Pliev: authorities won't ensure security of Ingushes-migrants

Dec 30 2010, 22:40

The programme of resettling residents of Northern Caucasus reached Penza. Within the resettlement programme of labour-excessive population the region will receive several hundreds of Dagestanis and Ingushes.

However, according to the lawyer Musa Pliev, ex-adviser to the president of Ingushetia, the safety of the Caucasians, moved outside their republics under the resettlement programme may be under threat.

Mr Pliev doubts the expediency of the resettlement programme of job-seeking Ingushes to the Penza Region. "In the light of recent fascist actions in the Russian capital, I do not think that the government will be able to ensure the migrants' safety, especially in Russia's periphery," Musa Pliev told the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent.

"If Khloponin wants to accommodate Ingushes, isn't it better to build at least one normally operating enterprise?" asked Mr Pliev. "However, not on paper, as it usually happened. Ingushes will be at home, employed and accommodated; and there will be no conflicts in localities."

According to Alexander Lebedev, head of the division of labour migration of the Department for the Penza Region of the Federal Employment Service, the region has already received 104 persons from Dagestan, who settled in the seven districts of the region, the Internet edition "Free Press" reports.

Besides, he expressed confidence that the resettlement programme may have problems, but not related to interethnic relations: "Residents of our region are tolerant; there are no conflicts here. We have 7-8 percent of the Muslim population; the largest Europe's Tatar village is in our region."

According to the "Free Press" edition, the Ingushes' resettlement programme to the Penza Region turns out to be expensive - every migrant who is under the programme receives a lump sum of 60,000 roubles for three months. After that, the person may return home and once again (for the third and for the fourth time) participate in this programme.

Besides, only in the Penza Region, the budget has allocated 40 million roubles (10 million per receiving district) for buy-out of housing facilities. If the authorities expect that the annual inflow will be about 150 persons, it turns out that some 270,000 roubles more will be spent on every labour migrant. That is, in total, approximately 330,000 per one migrant worker.

The programme, into which such huge money is invested, has all chances to fail, says Abdul-Mutalip Bogatyryov, former plenipotentiary of the Republic of Ingushetia in the Sverdlovsk Region. According to the leader of the Ingush Diaspora, a similar initiative in Yekaterinburg and vicinities had failed - out of the initially claimed 220 persons, only 32 came to the region, and only four of them managed to fix and stay.

"In fact, the idea of this programme is not in resettling. The following happens: those who are involved in it and advertise in the republic - come here; there's plenty of work here; salaries are 30-40,000 roubles; there is housing; accommodation money is paid, and so on. People come and take the money; and, apparently, pay back some of it as a bribe - they should receive, say, 53,000, but in fact get 30-35,000. And many of them just take the money and go nowhere," said Abdul-Mutalip Bogatyryov.

According to the Ingush oppositionist Magomed Khazbiev, "these villages have no gas, no water, no electricity; it's just impossible to live there. And they want to bring Ingushes there. Just to take them out of Ingushetia and keep nobody knows where, but under control - just for them to feel quiet."

The "Caucasian Knot" correspondent could not receive any comments about the programme in the government of the Penza Region - not an official was found there to take responsibility and give an official comment.

See earlier reports: "Mutsolgov: Ingush resettlers to Urals will face hard labour," "Sverdlovsk Region has difficulties preparing to receive migrants from Ingushetia," "Residents of Ingushetia who move to Urals Mountains will get houses and travelling allowances."

Author: Dmitry FlorinSource: CK correspondent

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