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YHR: HRC Memorial Book Being Inspected for Extremism by FSB in Kuban

posted by eagle on December, 2010 as Human Rights

HRC Memorial Book Being Inspected for Extremism by FSB in Kuban

Дата публикации: 

On December 1, 2010 Anastasiya Denisova, the leader of the Youth Group for tolerance ETNiKA, was summoned to questioning so as to be examined on the basis of fomentation of hatred or animosity (Article 282 of the Crime Code of Russia). The human rights activist has got to know about the inspection in her regard from the senior investigator of the investigation division of Krasnodar investigatory department of the Investigatory Committee in the Public Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation on Krasnodar region, the junior law adviser, Andrey Mozheiko.

The investigator, Denisova, her lawyer, V. Eremenko, were present at the questioning as well as two more law enforcement authorities’ officers, one of whom introduced himself as the territorial GUVD officer, while the other refused to introduce himself saying that he was just sitting there and writing a book on everyday work of SKP”. Anastasiya Denisova refused to provide explanations, having utilized the right stipulated by Article 51 of the Constitution of Russia. Investigator Mozheiko recorded her refusal in the report and gave the activist the opportunity to look through a few pages from the voluminous tome of the inspection materials.   

From the documents Anastasiya Denisova learned that in November, 2009 one of the typographies in Krasnodar was visited by UFSB police operative officer in Krasnodar region, M. Prischep. He asked to print a copy of the book The state of the citizens of ex-USSR in Krasnodar region (authors – A. Osipov and A. Denisova, Krasnodar, 2009) published by Human rights center Memorial. It is stated in the director’s explanations that the withdrawal of the copy had not been registered in accordance with the procedural regulations.     

On January 14, 2010 the senior head of OKRO of FSB Department in Krasnodar region, colonel O. Troshimov, forwarded the withdrawn brochure to expertise and forensic center at Krasnodar region GUVD for examination.

On February 2, expert Fedyaev compiled a certificate of linguistic analysis, concluding that there are statements that are aimed at fomentation of hatred or animosity on the grounds of being a member of a specific social group. 

On March 9, UFSB investigator of Krasnodar region, M. Prischep, forwarded the brochure to the Ministry of Justice for psychological expertise.

On March 25, expert of the Ministry of Justice, psychologist Albina Rogoza, analyzed the brochure and concluded that there are statements that are aimed at fomentation of hatred or animosity on the grounds of being a member of a specific social group since in the articles a negative assessment is given as well as the aim of the brochure is to create negative image of Krasnodar region administration, Public Prosecutor’s office, militia, the courts officers, registry office staff, and the Cossacks.

On October 26, a decree was delivered on declining the criminal case initiation against Anastasiya Denisova and the typography director in accordance with the indications of extremist materials dissemination. 

On November 22, the decree was disaffirmed, and the materials were forwarded for further expertise.

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