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KC: KGB 'Expert' Latynina Condemns Lithuanian Human Rights Activists For Defending Egle Kusaite

posted by eagle on August, 2010 as Human Rights

KGB 'expert' Latynina condemns Lithuanian human rights activists for defending Egle Kusaite

Publication time: 30 July 2010, 22:00 

The Baltic news agency Baltic Newsin a detailed dispatch from Vilnius in English reported about the activities of the KGB (FSB) officer Latynina, a journalist sent by the KGB to work at the Moscow Gazprom radio station Ekho Moskvy which is called "liberal" and "democratic" by Western media. The agency reports:


"The North Caucasus' Islamists are closely observing Kusaite's case, and their version of the events at the Vilnius court can be found here.


Yulia Latynina, a famous Russian journalist, critic of the current authoritarian Russian regime as well as a specialist on Russia's North Caucasus (she is even able to distinguish accents of various ethnic groups of that region), repeated many times in her Saturday lectures on radio Ekho Moskvy that Russia's Soviet-era dissidents (as well as Amnesty International) are naive in seeing a victim of the Kremlin's regime (or a victim of George W. Bush) in every accused Islamist terrorist for whom cheating a non-Muslim is a matter of honor (according to Latynina).


On the other hand, according to human rights defenders, it seems that in Kusaite's case, the State Security Department's involvement in her life was rather heavy (she has been framed by the VSD agents disguised as Muslims - KC) and, according to Mickevicius, the secret service could probably find a way to stop some possible radical tendencies in her head avoiding ruining her life by long-term imprisonment. (a hint of possible institutionalizing her for religious and political beliefs - KC)". End quote.


It is to be noted that not a single (!) Russian human rights activist has come in defense of the Lithuanian Muslim, so the words of the KGB officer Latynina, playing the role of a "democrat", refer exclusively to Lithuanian activists, which is another example of the blatant interference of the Russian terrorist gang of the KGB into internal affairs of Lithuania.


The Russian KGB-FSB is still fiercely hating "unfinished" Lithuanian dissidents and former political prisoners of the period of the Russian occupation of Lithuania Antanas Terleckas, Gintautas Iesmantas and a Catholic nun Nijole Sadunaite, whom the US president Ronald Reagan called "the Lithuanian Joan of Arc". All of them are actively defending Egle Kusaite. Their names are given in the dispatch of the Baltic News.


Regarding the allegation of the Baltic News that Latynina is supposedly a "specialist in the North Caucasus", we are to say that it is only lie of the KGB, which advertises its employee. Latynina is as much a specialist in the Caucasus as Kadyrov a scientist in the Russian Academy of Sciences.


Her garrulity and terminological guff may look "academic" for unacquainted people, but for those who have even a slightest understanding of the issues of Islam and the northern Caucasus, Latynina's guff is no more than a logorrhoea of a liar.


Meanwhile, Turkish media outlets reported about the crimes of the international terrorist organization of the KGB (FSB) Russia and its partners from the Lithuanian State Security. An influential Turkish paper World Bulletin writes on July 28 in an article, entitled "The FSB tortured Muslim girl":


"A Muslim girl converted to Islam said that she was tortured by the FSB Russia in her country.


A 20-year-old Muslim girl named Egle Kusaite stated that the FSB agents tortured her in her country. In April, during the investigation opened by the FSB on allegations that Egle Kusaite was supposedly going to be a martyr as a result of her relationship with a Mujahideen, FSB agents came from Moscow to Lithuania and subjected Kusaite to unlawful interrogation techniques and tortures.


The Lithuanian press reported that the District Attorney ignored tortures of the Muslim girl accusing her that she allegedly was a "Muslim terrorist".


According to recent data, Egle Kusaite has been forced to confess under physical and psychological tortures that she "had been trained in camps".


A Lithuanian public prosecutor refused to investigate the tortures of the Lithuanian Muslim by the FSB and the Lithuanian security service".



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