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KC: Turkish NGOs Warn: ''Situation In Chechnya Is Dangerous To Human Life''

posted by eagle on November, 2009 as Human Rights

Turkish NGOs warn: ''Situation in Chechnya is dangerous to human life''

Publication time: 16 November 2009, 12:33 

On November 13, a group of Turkish NGOs organized a joint press conference and explained the humanitarian situation in Chechnya.


Necati Ceylan, chairman of TGTV (Turkey Volunteers Unit Foundation); Attorney Cihat Gokdemir, chairman of Istanbul branch office of Mazlumder (The Association of Human Rights and Solidarity For Oppressed People); Kenan Alpay, vice chairman of Ozgur-Der (The Association of Free Thought and Education Rights); and Bulent Yildirim, chairman of IHH (The Foundation for Human Rights and Freedom and Humanitarian Relief) came together for Chechnya on November 13 at Resadiye Hotel in Istanbul city of Turkey.


Turkish NGOs draw attention to human rights situation in Chechnya and pro-Moscow puppet Kadyrov's attempts in Turkey.


"250 thousand civilian people died in Chechnya and hundreds of thousands of Chechen became refugee in ongoing brutal Russian invasion for 16 sixteen years. 500 thousand Chechens are still try to living in poverty. Mother and child mortality is very high in the country where 40 percent of child born is concluded with sick or disabled babies. Over than 20 thousand people are still missing. The effects of the war and ongoing occupation feel in whole North Caucasus," said Kenan Alpay, chairman of IHH, "there isn't a peaceful situation in Chechnya despite the all assertions of Russian authorities. Tortures of puppet Kadyrov's armed men worse than tortures of Russian soldiers. There is no difference between Chechnya and East Turkestan, both of them is closed to the world."


"We have seen that Kadyrov started to working for amelioration of his bad image. In this aim, he invites the leaders of NGOs, journalists and academicians from Turkey to Chechnya. This people must be very careful, because their visits will help to Russia and Kadyrov" added Kenan Alpay.


"My Chechnya visit wasn't in the name of our organization, it was personal. After my visit, some people did an extra judicial execution about me and they called my resignation from my position. I am a man, I may do wrong thing as everybody. I wouldn't know the real situation in Chechnya, I just would like to help Chechen asylum seekers in Turkey. But now I don't offer anybody to visit Chechnya" said Necati Ceylan who had visited Chechnya recent days after an invitation of ringleader puppet Kadyrov.


"Kadyrov and his armed men kill the human rights defenders and later he does provocation that they were killed by Chechen Mujahideen. So if somebody would like to visit Chechnya, then they must be very careful, they may be kill in Chechnya. Chechnya became a current issue again after the recent murders of human rights defenders and extra juridical executions of civilian population. Termination of crimes against humanity is possible only taking action of international mechanism and not only for Kadyrov, also Russian authorities. It is a vital for Chechnya that removing all obstacles in front of independent human rights organizations" said Attorney Cihat Gokdemir.


At the end of the press conference, some journalists asked: "Is it true that Kadyrov sent his hitmen to Turkey for killing some leaders of NGOs which works on Chechnya and Chechen asylum seekers?",  Bulent Yildirim replied it and said, "We are speaking about Ramzan Kadyrov. He killed human rights defenders and his opponents, not only in Chechnya, also in abroad. Therefor everything is expected from Kadyrov!"

Source: Agencies

Kavkaz Center

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