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KC: Video- Delimkhanov Threatens Human Rights Activists...

posted by eagle on August, 2009 as Human Rights

Video. Delimkhanov threatens human rights activists with reprisals in the TV broadcast. Kadyrov 'shocked' by another murder

Publication time: 11 August 2009, 19:21 

The head of the puppet regime on the occupied territories of Chechnya, Kadyrov, is "shocked" by the murder of the "Save the Generation" organization's employees.


"This is a cynical, brutal and a provocative murder. I regard this as a challenge to society, aimed to intimidate the whole population", - proclaimed the murtad.


As it has been with the murder of Estimirova, Kadirov assured that it is going to "be an affair of honour for him to catch and punish the murderers".


The head of the young people's non-governmental organization "Save the generation" Zarema Sadulaeva and her husband Umar Dzhabrailov were kidnapped during the day on Monday from the office in Dzhohar city. Soon after their bodies with gunshot wounds had been found in the trunk of the car in the village of Chernorechie.


Following the next exemplary murder Kadyrov reiterated that there are "enemies of the Chechen people who by the means of terror wish to instill atmosphere of total collapse, neurosis and distrust, to force society to give up the constructive labour, to hinder the process of republic's recovery, to prevent Russian and foreign businesses investments in the projects on the territory of Chechnya."


"Those who had something to do with Sadulaeva and Dzhabrailov's case as well as with those cases of recently killed people will be severely punished according to the laws of the Russian Federation" - threatened puppet leader, at the same time telling that the murdered human rights activist Dzhabrailov "had been a militant and even did his time in jail" and that probably "he was killed as a result of some blood feud".


In the meantime the crony of Kadyrov, his cousin and a private executioner, wanted by Interpol for the murder of Sulim Yamadaev in Dubai, Adam Delimkhanov, has openly threatened human rights activists with reprisals on Kadyrov's TV.


The video recording of Delimkhanov's threats can be viewed here.


This announcement has been made by Delimkhanov on the 4th of July 2009, 11 days before the murder of human rights activist Estimirova.


Editors of KC present translation of the threats by Delimkhanov, which have been broadcasted by the puppet TV.


After the threatening opening by one of the anchorwomen of Kadyrov's TV, who blamed destructive powers in "destabilizing of the situation" and "the violation of public's accord", Delimkhanov appeared on the screen surrounded by armed men and started threatening:


"... There are some people who call themselves human rights activists (human rights defenders), which render support to those shaytans, those criminal-militants, they work for them, carry out their work and follow their ideas... they are telling various things...

But I am aware of the attitude of militia, of people, of local residents... They say that allegations of these people... as well as those made by Aushev and others, and what they are saying and doing are the crimes which are greater than (crimes) of those militants who are in the forests.

These people (human rights activists) with their speeches are confusing people and deceive them. But they will not deceive people. They will not succeed. Truth and justice will always prevail... Here are our fighters, commanders, our guys who are asking me, what do these people (human rights activists) want? For us these people have no value and we have absolutely no regard for them.

If God wills, all those involved in evil will be held responsible by us. All of them, whether it is a Chechen or Ingush or somebody else, should know that they will answer for their speech..."

Kavkaz Center

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