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Political prisoners in the Russian Federation.

posted by zaina19 on December, 2007 as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 12/19/2007 11:44 PM
01-12-2007 09:32 (reference(link))
Рафис Кашапов
  Рафис Кашапов
Political prisoners in the Russian Federation.
Political prisoners in the Russian Federation on 20.07.2007 г.:

1. Aleksanyan Vasily
2. Arap Larissa
3. Bagaev Anatoly
4. Baluev Nikolay
5. Bakhmina Svetlana
6. Belashov Vladimir
7. Bespalov Oleg
8. Bohr Elena
9. Vaskov Ilya
10. Velichko Dmitry
11. A viewfinder Sergey
12. Vlasov Vladimir
13. Gavryushin Sergey
14. Thunders Maxim
15. Gubkin Igor
16. Гумаров Равиль
17. Gurjev Ilya
18. Danilov Valentine
19. Ekishev Jury
20. Yelizarov Dmitry
21. Ishmuratov Timur
22. Cossacks Vladimir
23. Kvachkov Vladimir
24. Klevachev Michael
25. Maples Cyril
26. Kovalev Jury
27. Kolesnikov Dmitry
28. Queens Vladimir
29. Cats Sergey
30. Kungurov Alexey
31. Kurasova Marina
32. Kurtsin Alexey
33. Lebedev Platon
34. Lobarev Paul
35. Мавлевич Ян
36. Magomedov Nazir
37. Makarov Alexey
38. Malakhovsky Vladimir
39. Medvedev Sergey
40. Mironov Ivan
41. Mogilyov Igor
42. Molodidov Peter
43. Naidyonov Alexander
44. The Neva Olga
45. Stalemates Таукан
46. Pereverzin Vladimir
47. Pitchugin Alexey
48. Popkov Roman
49. Ракс Hope
50. Reznichenko Sergey
51. Reshetin Igor
52. Hares Vyacheslav
53. Sardaev Anatoly
54. Stomakhin Boris
55. Sulima Victor
56. Sutyagin Igor
57. Teremenko Boris
58. Titov Vladimir
59. Thin Alexey
60. Trepashkin Michael
61. Fedorovich Igor
62. Khodorkovsky Michael
63. Хубаев Руслан
64. Worms Alexander
65. Chernova Natalia
66. Chugunov Vladimir
67. Shimkevich Sergey
68. Clowns Jury
69. Yashin Robert
The list is prepared by the Analytical center.
Independent Information Network.
The quantity(amount) of political prisoners has decreased for one person – Michael Trepashkina.
Трепашкин on Friday there was on freedom a colony number 13 Nizhni Tagils where it(he) served time. Now it(he) is in Ekaterinburg. The Moscow district military court on May, 19th, 2004 has sentenced it(him) for disclosure of the state secret to four years of imprisonment with serving punishment in a colony-settlement. The former employee of FSB of the Russian Federation Michael Trepashkin, served time the conclusions for disclosure of the state secret, is measured(going) to achieve revision of the business(affairs). About it(this) has twisted to journalists on Friday in Ekaterinburg itself Трепашкин. As he said, its(his) business " has been forged on the unique<WBR> denunciation ". " In business it is spoken, that I have divulged the state secret though actually I did not disclose any state secret ", - approves(confirms) Трепашкин. According to the former employee of FSB, it(he) wants, that its(his) business has been reconsidered in Russia, without participation and the help of any foreign organizations. Your opinions! In what party(side) the list of political prisoners will change?

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