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Andrey Rudomaha: accident in Kerchensky strait was inevitable

posted by zaina19 on November, 2007 as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 11/13/2007 2:36 AM
Andrey Rudomaha: accident in Kerchensky strait was inevitable

The accident, taken place on Tamanian peninsula, in Kerchensky strait is unprecedented in relation to its scales, the coordinator of the Ecological Watch in Northern Caucasus Andrey Rudomaha supposed. The basic fault lays on the authorities and the companies, organized transportation of the dangerous cargoes in such vulnerable place.

Now, as he said, on the place of the accident the ecologists - members of the organization "For Taman’s Rescue!" are operating. In the Maykop office of the Ecological Watch they receive photos and details.

"We have connections not only with the ecologists, - he said, - but also with the local inhabitants, representatives of the state authority. The flood of petroleum is really huge. It had reached the Azov sea, the water area near Kamenny cape and Chushka; and the coast near Ilich settlement is completely filled together with Tuzla".

According to the ecologists, birds, including ones stopping here during their season flights suffered very much. Their mass death is observed now, that will proceed further.

The consequences of the accident will be also immeasurable for fish migrations. Kerchensky strait is a reservoir of the highest fish-economic category. Fish going from the Black sea to the Azov sea, simply has no other way. And the black oil at such upset puts down on the sea bottom, and its influence does not happen during the short terms.

"The works on clearing the flood petroleum off, on our data, have been just begun, - he added. - The delay is explained with a storm. And basically they operate on the coast. In the sea they are only pumping out petroleum from the vessels that were damaged".

The situation proved that the port "Kavkaz" is not ready to such accidents, the ecologist considered. The vessels were technically ready, though the storm at this season is not a rarity here. And quantity of the vessels - victims of the disaster - speaks that the sufficient control of their technical condition was simply absent.

The fact that through the strait they had a mass raiding transportation of dangerous cargoes, is ignored. There in the shallow strait little vessels come in a plenty, from which those cargoes are overloaded on the bigger ships. And the accident at such approach became inevitable.

The basic fault for the accident, in Andrey Rudomaha’s opinion, is born by the authorities and the companies that created the situation, having organized transportation in such vulnerable place. Though, certainly, there is the human factor - the ships did not go in time to the sea.

"Information that the transported sulfur was ostensibly in the containers, does not correspond to validity, - the ecologist said. – It was loaded in port "Kavkaz" by filling. Port "Kavkaz" had received more than once the instructions about inadmissibility of that, as beside, in the sanitary zone people who suffer from it, live".


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