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9.10.2007 20:49 MSK Committee for the Defense of Mikhail Trepashkin appeals to Vladimir Lukin

posted by zaina19 on October, 2007 as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 10/10/2007 5:52 PM
9.10.2007 20:49 MSK
Committee for the Defense of Mikhail Trepashkin appeals to Vladimir Lukin
Mikhail Trepashkin
Mikhail Trepashkin
RUSSIA, Moscow. The Public Committee for the Defense of Mikhail Trepashkin appealed, in an October 6 statement, to authorized Human Rights Ombudsman of Russia, Vladimir Lukin, to be present on October 10 in Ekaterinburg for the examination of a writ of appeal to the court's decision to increase Trepashkin's sentence.

The appeal read:

"Respected Vladimir Petrovich! We, members of Public Committee for the Defense of Attorney Mikhail Trepashkin, appeal to you for help to restore the rights of political prisoner Mikhail Trepashkin. We remind you that Mikhail Ivanovich Trepashkin is being deprived of necessary medical aid, and that in serving his sentence at St. 73-1 YUK he is 2200 km from home, which is also a violation of the rights of his young children. For 7 months, Mikhail Ivanovich has been in torturous conditions of isolation, that correspond neither with his sentence of May 19, 2004 nor the resolution of the court of March 9, 2007, when, on fabricated charges, Trepashkin's place of punishment was changed from a prison colony setting to a general regime colony.

We also remind you that the case against Mikhail Trepashkin is fabricated, has not been examined, and requires immediate revision.
We believe that there are many cases of violations of the law in the case against Trepashkin, and the court itself is implicated in the explicit fabrication of charges, and in ignoring PACE resolution 1151 and PACE recommendations № of 1792, a matter requiring your immediate interference in the situation.

We appeal to you with an imperative request to more actively intercede for the politically imprisoned attorney Mikhail Trepashkin.

We request that you, respected Vladimir Petrovich, insist that Russia follow PACE resolution 1151 and PACE recommendation 1792 in the case of M.Trepashkin.

In conclusion, respected Vladimir Petrovich, we issue a call you to come on October 10 of this year to Ekaterinburg to the examination of writ of appeal of the resolution of the court on increasing Trepashkin’s sentence. We greatly hope that in your presence, the court will not conduct a farce of a judicial session, such as that which occurred in the Tagilstroyevskey District Court in the Lower Tagila on March 9, 2007.
L.A. Ponomarev, Executive Director of the movement "For Human Rights ", defense attorney for Mikhail Trepashkin
Vladimir Andreevich Shaklein, Interregional Center for Human Rights- Ural department of the movement "For Human Rights"
Mikhail Krieger, Coordinator of the Public Committee for the Defense of Mikhail Trepashkin
Tatiana Monakhova, the Public Committee for the Defense of Mikhail Trepashkin
Helen Sannikova, the Public Committee for the Defense of Mikhail Trepashkin
Helen Maglevannaya, the Public Committee for the Defense of Mikhail Trepashkin ".

Translated by OM Kenney
PRIMA-News [2007-10-02-Rus-21]

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