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Special to The St. Petersburg Times

posted by zaina19 on September, 2007 as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 9/23/2007 7:04 AM
Kasparov Gets Danish Prize

By Martin Burlund

Special to The St. Petersburg Times

COPENHAGEN - Former chess world champion Garry Kasparov won the newly established Pundik Peace Prize in Copenhagen on Wednesday.

The prize is given to a person, “who courageously and with a straight back takes responsibility in the fight for fundamental liberty and human rights,” and comes with 100,000 Danish Crowns ($20,000).

“I am honored to receive this prize, and I did not hesitate to accept it. This is a rare sign of solidarity with the liberation fight in Russia,” Kasparov told 300 spectators in Copenhagen.

Kasparov’s so-called “liberation fight” is a strike against the President Vladimir Putin, whom the former chess champion compares to the ruthless German leader during the World War II, Adolf Hitler.

“I think Hitler operated completely within the laws of German land, but I do not think that this made his regime more legitimate in the eyes of history,” Kasparov said in a television interview with Danish media.

In an effort to secure wider possibilities to speak to Russian voters, Kasparov is touring Western countries to warn against friendly relations with Russia. He lashed out against the lack of freedom of speech in Russia, as he is sure that he will not get the same kind of media attention in Russia that he gets campaigning outside Russia.

“I am now in Denmark and that is why I can speak with Danish television. In Russia the opposition is banned to speak in television,” Kasparov told in a television interview with Danish media.

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