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Advocates of the anarchists accused of blowing up the "Neva Express" train go to Malaya Vishera

posted by zaina19 on August, 2007 as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 8/25/2007 11:36 AM

Advocates of the anarchists accused of blowing up the "Neva Express" train go to Malaya Vishera

The lawyers hired by activists of various anarchists' groups of St-Petersburg to defend Andrei Kalyonov and Denis Zelenyuk, have left today morning for Malaya Vishera. According to well- confirmed data, the young men suspected of blowing up the "Neva Express" train have been kept for several days already in local SIZO (pre-trial detention facility). Until August 22, the exact whereabouts of the arrested participants of the anarchical movement were a secret even to closest relatives.

"If today the advocates meet the detainees, then we'll be able to hope that in future no illegal methods of investigation will be applied to our comrades," Alexander Maishev, an activist of St-Petersburg League of Anarchists, gave his comments to the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent.

Today, the Human Rights Society "Memorial" has sent an appeal to the Russian State Office of Public Prosecutor, stating Andrei Kalyonov's alibi.

Alexandra Krylenkova, an activist of the "Memorial," has informed that "for the whole week long, including the date of the terror act, he was in our office, at the "Memorial," and worked with computer helping us with making lists of victims of political repressions, he did not leave the office on the eve of the terror act, he had just no time to prepare it."

Mr Kalyonov's colleagues in the "Memorial," Ms Krylenkova has explained, emphasize his weak health and ask the State Office of Public Prosecutor to release the detainee under recognizance not to leave, the "Interfax" reports.

See earlier reports: "St-Petersburg anarchists assert that charge of blowing up the "Neva Express" train is a provocation."

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