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Pedophiliac Orphanage in Krasnodar

posted by zaina19 on June, 2007 as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 6/27/2007 3:10 PM
Pedophiliac Orphanage in Krasnodar
Publication time: 24 June 2007, 10:23
In the village of Starokorsunskaya, which is a part of the Karasunskiy District of the southern Russian city of Krasnodar, there is a private orphanage that has existed for about 20 years. The owners of this children's home are husband and wife Alexei and Dina Gritsai. The Krasnodar authorities call this orphanage exemplary, they repeatedly handed out different awards and medals to it. The newspapers "Kubanskiye Novosti" (mouthpiece of the administration of the Krasnodar Territory) and "Krasnodarskiye Izvestiya" (mouthpiece of the administration of the city of Krasnodar) ardently praised the Gritsai home many times. However, pedophilia has thrived in this "model orphanage" for 15 years (since "democracy" arrived in Russia). The secret of the Gritsai home was revealed a little bit more than a year ago.

In May 2006 Alexei Gritsai invited to his institution a psychologist. The psychologist was needed because of the extraordinary incident: a 14-year-old boy had a sexual intercourse with a 5-year-old girl. Psychologist Sergei E. (I conceal his last name because he is being threatened with murder) questioned children and found out that the problem was not with the kids, but with their foster "daddy". Gritsai regularly performed copulations with under-age girls. 14 girls gave written testimonies about Alexei Gritsai's licentious behavior.  Gritsai frankly said that his wife had "never satisfied him" despite the fact that he had "made" 9 children with her. That is why he had tried to find "satisfaction" in his under-age adoptive chidren. He married Dina Gritsai (maiden name Tsarenko) to make a career. Her father, Boris Tsarenko, founded the Krasnodar parish of the so-called "officially unregistered" Baptists and was the leader of the congregation. (At the present time Boris Tsarenko is no longer the formal leader because of his old age, but he still remains the congregation's "guru".) Marriage to the daughter of the leader of "the unregistered" allowed Gritsai to become an important figure in the congregation. "The unregistered" knew about Gritsai's propensity for perversions and at last decided to expel him from the congregation. But then admitted him again - because of his vast circle of friendly acquaintances among local government officials. Then he was expelled once more, and admitted again... It happened this way several times. He was expelled for the last time one and a half years ago - Gritsai went too far with his pedophilia, "the unregistered" started to worry about consequences in case his perversion got exposed.

Psychologist Sergei E. decided to go first to the "church people" - the senior pastor and the regional bishop of the congregation. He suggested the pedophiliac "orphanage" should be closed and Gritsai should move to the United States to his relatives. The pastor and the bishop had known about Gritsai's pedophilia for a long time and didn't think there was something wrong with it. Gritsai flatly refused to go to the States. He even openly declared: "I won't be able to do there things I do here."

Sergei E.'s next step was his visit to the juvenile delinquency unit of the local police. The policewoman from this unit said: "This is a model orphanage. We don't need a scandal." The same reply awaited Sergei E. in the Karasunskiy District Police Office and in the Office of the Public Prosecutor of the Karasunskiy District of Krasnodar. After such replies the psychologist wrote a letter to the Russian Prosecutor General and sent a copy to the Russian president. The Office of the Prosecutor General sent the letter back to Krasnodar to the Office of the Public Prosecutor of the Karasunskiy District. The local prosecutor was compelled to institute criminal proceedings against Gritsai. But the investigator said to the truth-seeking psychologist: "Gritsai will be acquitted, and we'll put you in prison for slander!"

Gritsai himself threatened Sergei E. with murder. The insolent pedophile is sure of his impunity: he is a good friend of both former and current authorities of Krasnodar. He has no doubts that his friends will help him remove from his way the seeker of justice. Moreover, the Krasnodar authorities openly patronize pedophiles: on June 12th, the so-called "Russia Day", the entertainment center "Ulyotov & Co." conducted a "beauty contest" for 4-to-12-year-old girls - actually, the contest of under-age whores.  Sergei E. tried to get support from the local journalists, but these representatives of the "second oldest profession" shrank back and squirted away as if he were a devil.

Gritsai's home is not the only "model orphanage" in the Krasnodar Territory. The similar situation is in a private children's home, patronized by the Pentecostal Bethany Church in the village of Afipskiy, Severskiy District. The owner of this orphanage Mr. Nikolenko forces girls to have sex with him, threatening them with strangulation.

Gritsai's and Nikolenko's orphanages exist thanks to the donations of the naive Christians in the United States and Germany, who suspect totally nothing.

Ivan Smirnov, Krasnodar, Russia
for Kavkaz Center

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