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Ingush human rights activist fears persecution

posted by zaina19 on May, 2007 as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 5/10/2007 1:26 AM
10.5.2007 12:16 MSK
Ingush human rights activist fears persecution
Magomed Mutsolgov
Magomed Mutsolgov
RUSSIA, Ingushetiya, Karabulak. On May 2, on the website Ingushetiya.Ru, a letter was posted by an unknown representatives of the authorities, warning the leader of the Ingush human rights organization "MASHR" Magomed Mutsolgov, about what he believes to be persecution being prepared for her, reported the human rights center "Memorial" on May 4.

The author of the letter writes that he witnessed two officers of the unknown authority indicate that "a Special Services operation has been approved by the management of the Republic, to ensure the closing of "MASHR". Moreover, any method to replace Mutsolgova is possible, including framing her for weapons or narcotics possessions. "As I understood it, " the author writes, "Mutsolgov's organization and Mustolgova herself were recently repeatedly investigated by different services and departments. In spite of a whole series of investigations, they were unable to find any legal violations. Everything is so serious that I am confident measures will be undertaken, up to and including the physical elimination of Magomeda Mutsolgova ".

The Public organization "MASHR" has been in existence for 15 months. In this time, the procuratorship, FSB, and registration offices have conducted more than ten investigations, official and unofficial. Not one investigation revealed any violations. Furthermore, during this time Mutsolgova has repeatedly received threats from unknown persons and advice from "well-wishers" to abandon her human rights activity and to do "anything else".
The increased attention of authorities and law-enforcement agencies on Mutsolgova can be explained by her activism. Recently she published a report on thefts, tortures, and murders in Ingushetiya, holding the authorities responsible. The facts presented in her report spoil the picture of prosperity and stability in the republic.
According to Mutsolgova, next to her organization's office in Karabulak, cars with the Ingush license plate - "Gazel'" and "BAZ -2107" have been patrolling. In the cars are unknown persons in camouflage uniforms. She assumes that these people are conducting external surveillance of the office. The last few years in Ingushetiya have shown that it is precisely from such "unknowns in camouflage" that threats to the life and health of citizens are received, notes the human rights group "Memorial".

Translated by OM Kenney
PRIMA-News Agency [2007-05-07-Rus-24]

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