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Russian soldiers disappear and perish

posted by zaina19 on April, 2007 as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 4/12/2007 5:12 AM
11.4.2007 12:52 MSK
Russian soldiers disappear and perish
RUSSIA, Saint Petersburg. On April 4, the mother of soldier Pavel Kozyrev turned for help to the organization "Soldier's Mothers of Saint Petersburg". Her son disappeared from his unit in Pushkin. According to commanders, Pavel was missing at the evening roll call on March 13. He was born in the Murmansk region, and does not know the city of St. Petersburg, noted the "Soldier's Mothers of Saint Petersburg".

On April 3, the mother of Vasily Sardyko came to the organization for help. Her son served in the Air Defense Unit in the settlement of Gostilitsy in the Lomonosovsky region of the Lenoblast. On April 1, a commander called her and told her that her son had left at 6 in the morning. They called again and accused the soldier of the theft of 14 thousand rubles, allegedly from the pockets of colleagues. Another commander named a sum of 4 thousand.

The following call was still more terrible - the commanders cursed the mother and son. The military searched her apartment. The mother of the soldier reported that previously her son had requested money for to give to senior soldiers. The last time she gave him 2700 rubles. On April 4 representatives of his unit explained that Soldier Vasily Sardyko was on leave as of March 30.
On April 2, the mother of soldier of Aleksey Kargin turned to the organization "Soldier's Mothers of Saint Petersburg" for help. Three months ago, he signed a contract with a unit in the environs of Ekaterinburg. In the unit where Kargin served, there were extortions and abuse. Among the volunteer contract soldiers were Tadzhik Koreans. They beat him unconscious. Senior soldiers demanded 500 rubles daily from each recruit for drinking bouts and cigarettes, making it necessary for them to rob local residents. Their contract money was taken away and given to officers. After the beating of recruits on the range, where Aleksey was struck into the temple by a rifle butt, 10 people left the unit. In the Ulyanov procuratorship, where he turned for help, they listened, noted the beatings, and advised him to return to the same unit. The military prosecutor's office of Saint Petersburg is now handling the matter.

On March 26, the parents of Faiil Kaveyev came to the organization. On March 23, at about noon, Kavayev, a cadet of the Peter the Great St. Petersburg Naval Institute, committed suicide. His parents, who live in Tatarstan, were informed of this on the telephone by the mother of one of the cadets. On the previous night, Kaveyev, according to his relatives, sent an SMS- communication to his girlfriend, in which he said he loved her. On the morning of the tragedy he sent a message reading - "I want to die. I can't go on." He hanged himself with two belts.

Tranlated by OM Kenney
PRIMA-News Agency [2007-04-05-Rus-02]

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