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High Commissioner for Human Rights Regrets Executions

posted by zaina19 on February, 2007 as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 2/8/2007 2:53 AM
 High Commissioner for Human Rights Regrets Executions


The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Louise Arbour, has underlined that she stands “opposed to capital punishment under all circumstances”, adding that the fight against impunity must not come at the cost of human rights and the rule of law. Her comments follow a number of recent events that have refocused international attention on the dignity of the death penalty and its relation to our most basic human rights. UNPO is at present engaged in an extensive campaign to present to the United Nations General Assembly a resolution calling for a universal moratorium on all executions.

[Read More about the UNPO Campaign]

The Full Statement of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights:

15 January 2007 - United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Louise Arbour has expressed regret over the execution in Baghdad today of Awad Hamad Al-Bandar and Barzan Ibrahim Al-Hassan, who had been charged with crimes against the civilian population of Dujail, Iraq.

The High Commissioner reiterated her concerns about the fairness and impartiality of the Dujail trial before the Iraqi High Tribunal and recalled that under international law the application of capital punishment was only possible under narrow, strictly regulated circumstances. "The imposition of the death penalty after a trial and appeal proceedings that do not respect the principles of due process amounts to a violation of the right to life", she said.

"I am opposed to capital punishment under all circumstances", the High Commissioner added. "In this particular case, not only is the penalty irremediable, it may also make it more difficult to have a complete judicial accounting of other, equally horrendous, crimes committed in Iraq".

"Those responsible for serious human rights violations must be brought to justice, and this is crucial for effective national reconciliation", the High Commissioner said. "But, to be credible and durable, the fight against impunity must be based on respect for international human rights standards and the rule of law, and must not come at their expense".

Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights

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