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Militiamen tortured to death Adygeya inhabitant

posted by zaina19 on January, 2007 as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 1/30/2007 2:05 AM
Militiamen tortured to death Adygeya inhabitant
Publication time: 28 January 2007, 19:54

The Krasnodar territory court made a verdict on the criminal case concerning three local authorized militiamen and their civil friend, which had been accused of the murder of Adygeya inhabitant.

As portal informed, referring to the press-service of the court, one of the militiamen was punished with 5 years of jail; the second one - six years and a half of prison; the two other divisionals are convicted, accordingly, to 18 and 16 years of jail. Their civil friend is convicted to 15 years of prison.

The four defendant militiamen were accused according to part 2 clause 105 of the Criminal Code of Russian Federation (Murder) and part 3 clause 286 of the Criminal Code of Russian Federation (Excess of official powers). Their friend was accused only according to clause 105 of the Criminal Code of Russian Federation.

As it became known to Caucasian unite correspondent, the relatives of the killed demanded the life-long prison, and the verdict seemed to them to be too soft.

Let's note, the first hearing of the loud case passed on November 29. At the request of the accused it was considered by jurymen.

The State prosecutor was the adviser of justice, employee of the territorial Office of Public prosecutor Valeriy Putimtsev, - addressing then to the jurymen, noted: "Crime committed by the defendants looks especially cynically as it undermines the authority of all the law-enforcement bodies, causing citizens' mistrust to their activities and uncertainty in protection of their rights and lawful interests" - were informed by "Russian newspaper - Kuban".

Let's remind the murder of Nalbiy Achmiz stirred up the public of Adygeya, which was ready to go to protest meetings. But soon after the tragedy in aul Afipsip the meeting of the power and law-enforcement bodies of Krasnodar Territory with the public of Tahtamukaysky area was carried out.

According to, the chief of Krasnodar Territory militia department Sergey Kucheruk during his conversation with the inhabitants of the aul expressed the condolences and asked for understanding: "There are bad men everywhere, and with all our forces we struggle with ones who is not worthy not only to carry posts, but also to name himself a man. The investigation of the tragedy will be open as much as possible, and without any compromises. We do not want blood and or interethnic skirmishes, the main is a fair verdict, and the punishment the criminals had deserved ".

Last time 31-year's old Nalbiy Achmiz was seen alive in the city park, where he had a rest. To his table in a cafe three local authorized militiamen of the Krasnodar Central district and their friend sat down. According to the eyewitnesses, soon between them and Achmiz there was a quarrel. The eyewitnesses saw, how Achmiz was pushed in his car and taken away in unknown direction.

Under the version of the investigators, the militiamen brought Achmiz to the militia department and beat him with a hammer. After that the divisionals jostled the man in the automobile and drove him to another edge of the city, near a meat proceeding factory, on an urban dump.

Having arrived there, the militiamen undressed the man to get more difficult his identifying, and, having thrown on a road, moved over him in the car, having pressed in the ground.

Nalbiy Achmiz was married. Two small children were left without their father.

Source: Natpress

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