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Clinical Condition of Defector Poisoned by FSB Worsened

posted by zaina19 on December, 2006 as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 11/15/2006 12:38 PM
Clinical Condition of Defector Poisoned by FSB Worsened
Publication time: Today at 08:54 Djokhar time
A friend of the Russian defector Alexander Litvinenko who is now being treated in an unnamed London hospital after he had been poisoned  by a Russian secret police agent said that the clinical condition of Mr Litvinenko worsened. Doctors do not know what happened to him, according to a report from a Russian radio station, Echo Moskvy ("Moscow Echo"),

The station is considered by the West to be liberal and critical to the Putin's regime but it is owned by Gasprom, the largest Russian state gas company.

Meanwhile, a Moscow newspaper, Moskovsky Komsomolets ("Moscow Young Communist League Member"), that is said to have most close ties with the Russian secret police FSB among all Russian state-controlled media, says in its Wednesday issue that Mr Litvinenko could have been poisoned by the CIA (sic!).

The FSB (former KGB) always tries to put blame on other entities for its own bloody crimes.

According to a report published in the newspaper by the FSB, Mr Litvinenko is a double agent and recently visited Moscow giving testimonies to Russian police about the murder of an American female journalist of jewish origin in Russia. Menwhile, the FSB is unofficially reported to have killed the woman.

According to the FSB report published today in Moskovsky Komsomolets, Mr Litvinenko was poisoned in a London restaurant by a CIA agent,  Mario Scaramella, on November 1, 2006, purportedly in connection with his role as a double agent, the role invented by the FSB in this story to descredit Mr Litvinenko.

As earler reported by the Chechepress news agency,  Mario Scaramella is a FSB agent in Italy and a close friend and business partner of the FSB deputy chief Kolmogorov. The Italian visited several time the FSB headquarters in Moscow.

The FSB is rather silly using the same psychological war patterns all the time. After the appearence of the first reports that the American journalist was killed by the FSB, the FSB reacted in the Russiian state-controlled media by accusing the CIA in killing the journalist, based on the sole fact that she had been an American citizen and could have been a former CIA agent who betrayed the interests of America in this or other way.

In 2004, the FSB poisoned with dioxine Mr Yushchenko, a pro-Western candidate for President in Ukraine, during a dinner with the  pro-Moscow Ukrainian secret police chief.  Mr Yushchenko survived the attacck and became the President although the scars and a worsened health condition remained.

Dmitriy Orlov


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