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Ulman's advocate: hearing postponement is a routine measure

posted by zaina19 on October, 2006 as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 10/28/2006 7:38 AM

Ulman's advocate: hearing postponement is a routine measure

For today, a session has been appointed at the North-Caucasian Regional Military Court to hear the case of Ulman and three special agents of the Chief Reconnaissance Agency ("GRU") charged of murdering peaceful Chechen residents. The defendants and two victims have appeared at the courtroom, but Liudmila Tikhomirova and Murat Musaev, legal representatives of the victims, failed to appear. Roman Krzhechkovskiy, Ulman's advocate, told the correspondent of the "Caucasian Knot" that the advocates had informed the court that they would not be able to appear for family reasons, and added: "Olga Manekina, advocate of defendant Kalaganskiy, was also absent, since she's now sick. These are all routine points of the business. Maybe, we shall, as they say, be slow in harness by quick in ride."

The preliminary hearing on "Ulman's case" are postponed for the sixth time already, all because on non-appearance of this or that party's advocates.

Captain Eduard Ulman, warrant officer Vladimir Voevodin, lieutenant Alexander Kalaganskiy and major Alexei Perelevskiy are accused of murder, deliberate destruction of one's property and excess of service powers, which caused heavy consequences. According to the state prosecution, in January 2002, not far from the village of Dai of the Shatoi District, acting within the operation of catching Khattab, the above GRU special agents stopped a UAZ truck with six Chechnya residents in it. The fighters swept the truck, as a result of which one passenger was killed and two more wounded. The Chechens' documents were in proper order, however, all the survivors were shot dead, and their bodies burnt together with the truck.

See earlier reports: "Preliminary hearing on the "Ulman's case" put off again."

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