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Human rights court satisfied complaint of Bolat Hadji Bairam, deported from Kabardino-Balkaria

posted by zaina19 on October, 2006 as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 10/19/2006 2:55 AM
 Human rights court satisfied complaint of Bolat Hadji Bairam, deported from Kabardino-Balkaria

The European court under the human rights in Strasbourg recognized illegal deportation of the citizen of Turkey, ethnic Kabardinian, Bolat Hadji Bairam out from Russia and obliged the Russian authorities to pay him out indemnification of the moral harm of 8 thousand euros. It was informed on the site of the European court under human rights. As "Caucasian unit" had earlier repeatedly informed, Bolat Hadji Bairam had had been deported out from Kabardino-Balkaria in 2003. Thus he wasn’t officially accused in any way. Informally the law-enforcement bodies hinted about his connection with the Turkish intelligence special services.

Bolat Hadji Bairam’s case was considered in the Nalchik town court, which obliged the law-enforcement bodies of KBR to give out to him a residence permit. Having received the document, Bolat Hadji Bairam in 2004 tried to return to Kabardino-Balkaria, however he was detained at the airport and deported from the country secondarily.

Making comments on the verdict of the European court the chief of the Kabardino-Balkarian legal expert centre Valery Hatazhukov said: "For us this verdict was not unexpected. We knew that the verdict of the European court would be no other. That was only the question of time. We’d asked the representatives of the law-enforcement bodies to not let the case be submitted to the European court and to not dishonour Russia, but, unfortunately, the process was started... If a man is guilty in something, then he should be accused of some concrete crime. As we through our informal channels found out legality of suspicions and revealed that Bolat Hadji Bairam did not threatened the safety of Russia in any way".

As “Kommersant" newspaper informed, the minister of foreign affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov named the verdicts of the European court (11 verdicts on the private complaints) political.

Caucasian unit

Natpress reminds: from Adygeya on May 13 2004 they had also deported to Turkey repatriate from Kosovo ethnic Adyg Ramadan Tsey. He was accused of that he had no job, any constant source of incomes, and habitation. However he had a job and lived in the Repatriate adaptation centre, opened specially for the Adygs from Kosovo as their temporary dormitory. Besides according to the republican law (operating then) “About repatriates” the workplace and dormitory republican government was obliged to give. The materials on the case are in the Strasbourg court, too.

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