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All Human Beings Are Born Free and Equal In Dignity and Rights

posted by zaina19 on June, 2006 as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 6/27/2006 3:15 PM

All Human Beings Are Born Free and Equal In Dignity and Rights



As top news of yesterday mentioned that Russia Seeks Security Council Meeting On Iraq Murders, and that is the right for any member of the United Nations to call for the United Nations Security Council to hold a meeting to discuss any urgent matter that might arise.

Russia and being a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council, acquired for an urgent meeting of the Security Council  that pertains to an urgent issue about the problem of the Russian diplomats that were involved in kidnapping and eventual death.  Federal Republic of Russia wanted to discuss the death of four members of its embassy employees in Iraq.

Of course, the United Nations Security Council itself and all the other members and non members had already condemned, and before the meeting took place, the killings which seemed to be as brutal and savage. All civilized human beings condemn the action of kidnapping, abduction and eventually killing the victims!

It is advisable to get some enquiries which need to have specific answers that the civilized world can find out when needed, in case the world is faced with similar conditions, because the best security against similar behavior remains in constant correction of abuses and the introduction of needed improvement. Any side entrusted with power will abuse it if not also animated with the love of truth and virtue.

The United Nations should look into other cases that might be the reason for igniting such operations. There are cases where this very same complainer had committed and still doing so, with no punishment or international restriction or constrain, because when any member of the United Nations or Security Council especially if that involved is of a kind that is careless about abiding by the International law in regard to U. N. Declaration Of Human Rights, and Geneva Convention rules of conduct in war and peace, even though that involved was one of those who signed those international agreements, then the results will come out with empty contents, because the mutuality in abiding by rules require all parties to abide by those rules, and any time rules are not followed, then such action should not be tolerated.

When this particular member had committed documented genocide, ethnic cleansing, and war crimes against tens of occupied and colonized nations and got away with all of those crimes, then this side is encouraging and inspiring violence, war, and freedom fighting, and  for the very basic rights of self determination.

An actual example is what is going on in Chechnya and the North Caucasus nowadayswith the occupying forces are committing all kinds of abduction, crimes, slaughter, ethnic cleansing and genocide.  All war crimes in Chechnya were overlooked and ignored by Federal Russia and the rest of the world, which are enough reasons to create oppression that ignites the hatred of the people against the largest colonial power in the world of today.

The harsh and savage treatment that they use when dealing with people are not acceptable in any way and with any standard. The authorities in certain cases, committed crimes even against the legitimately elected President of Chechnya, Shaheed Aslan Maskhadov, and until this very movement, they refused to turn his body to his family to be buried as per human ethics and behaviors. Also the same happened in Chechnya with other citizens and most recently in Kabardino-Balkaria, after the freedom fighters operations in the capital city of Nalchik.

This imperial power oppressed citizens and nations within the borders of the so-called Russian Federation, and even went beyond and carried out terrorist operations such as the crime that was committed against the former Chechen President Zalimkhan Yandarbiyev in Doha, Qatar, and when the criminals were caught they turned out to be FSB agents and spies with diplomatic status which proved to the world that those diplomatic documents were abused, and used for unjustified criminal and terrorist reasons.

Conscience is the merror of our souls, which represents the errors of our lives in their full shape...



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