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IА REGNUM chief-editor awarded with Free press premium

posted by zaina19 on May, 2006 as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 5/29/2006 3:59 PM
 IА REGNUM chief-editor awarded with Free press premium

IА REGNUM chief-editor across the Northern Caucasus Fatima Tlisova was awarded with the prestigious European premium "Free press of the East Europe - 2006". As they specified in the diploma, the award was gave "for courageous and fair reflection of events in the Northern Caucasus" by the German fund "Zeit-Stiftung Ebelin und Gerd Bucerius" and the Norwegian fund "Freedom of speech".

The solemn ceremony on the occasion of the awarding and the 100th anniversary since the date of birth of the honourable citizen of Hamburg Gerd Butserius took place on May 19th in the great hall of the Hamburg city hall. The ceremony passed with participation of a plenty of the influential people - politicians, figures of business, mass-media and culture of Germany. With the salutatory word to the gathered the Federal chancellor (in resignation) Helmut Schmidt addressed. The winners of the premium "Free press of the East Europe - 2006" were welcomed by the senator on culture of the free Ganza city of Hamburg professor Karin fon Welk. The honourable editor of the influential newspaper “Die Zeit” doctor Teo Zommer handed over the premium.

At the ceremony Fatima Tlisova was dressed in the national Circassian dress. The beauty and solemnity of the traditional dress were noted by all the present. "We apprehended your appearance at this ceremony in the national dress as a sign of your deep respect for Hamburg and a symbol of the high degreed national self-identification of your people", - said during her personal meeting with Tlisova the senator on culture Karin fon Welk.

Fatima Tlisova’s Circassian dress was made in a workshop of the Nalchik designer Madina Hatsukova. The photo of the Kabardian girl of the beginning of the XIX century had been put in a basis of the claret dress with gold sewing and white lilies. The bottom caftan is decorated with traditional silver bibs, patterns on the flaps of the out-dress and oversleeves were embroidered manually over eight months.

Premium "Free press of the East Europe 2006" was also handled to the journalist from Blagoveshchensk town Veronica Shahova; to the newspaper "Solidarity", Minsk; the newspaper "Ukrainian Truth", Kiev; the newspaper "Soviet Kalmykia Today"; the newspaper "Vyborg sheets".


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