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Armed incident in a Tyumen mosque

posted by zaina19 on May, 2006 as Human Rights

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From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 5/12/2006 1:56 PM
12.5.2006 13:48 MSK
Armed incident in a Tyumen mosque
RUSSIA, Tyumen. Masked gunmen armed with sub-machine guns and pistols burst into a Tyumen mosque at about 6:30 AM on May 7 during morning prayers, and demanded that the few worshipers present show their identity documents, according to the civil rights organization Memorial and the committee Civic Assistance.

None of the "visitors" – who claimed to be agents of the Federal Security Service (FSS) – showed any kind of documentation, or explained their presence. They threatened physical violence and demanded that the congregation - about eight or nine people, mostly migrant workers from Tadzhikistan – board a bus parked nearby, which took them to No 2 town police station. There, those seized were made to stand against a wall, and forbidden to speak. They were called by turn into an office where they were talked to by people who claimed to be agents of the FSS.

These "talks" boiled down to questions on who was financing the mosque, why the worshipers visited it (?!), demands that these visits stop and that the worshipers should "cooperate" with state security. If they refused, the questioners threatened to plant narcotics on them and open criminal proceedings against them. At the conclusion of the "talks", six of those arrested – all Tadzhiks - were again taken to the bus, and with sub-machine guns which were cocked pointed at them, were made to lie on the floor. In this position, they were taken to the Lenin regional division of internal affairs in Tyumen. The two others, who showed they were local inhabitants, were released.

One of the six, Abdusalim Havruzov, whose registration had expired, was taken away, while the others were placed in a prison cell. Their questions about Navruzov were answered mockingly "you will soon see him again in Paradise" and the interrogators made a show of counting cartridges in front of the prisoners, to see if their were enough for all of them.

Soon after, the five Tadzhiks were taken into a woodland, assumed to be in the area of the Antipino housing estate.There, they were strong-armed from the bus, and told: "Smile, you are now going to meet Allah and so you should be happy." One of the Tadzhiks, Sakhabuddin Tursunov, was made to kneel, a pistol was placed against the back of his head, and cocked several times. The agents complained loudly about misfires, and demanded that Tursunov should cease visting the mosque and taking part in prayers.

After this, the six were made to run into the depths of the woodland, being heckled as they did so. Tursunov heard behind him the sound of submachines guns being cocked. After they finished "amusing themselves," the agents forbade them from showing up at the mosque, promised that they would not remain alive if they did, and ordered them to "beat it out of Tyumen."

The committee Civic Assistance and the civil rights center Memorial expressed the hope that public prosecutors would assess the event properly, and that those guilty would be published in accordance with the law.

PRIMA-News Agency[2006-05-10-Rus-21]

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