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Humanitarian worker detained in Chechnya

posted by zaina19 on April, 2006 as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 4/12/2006 9:44 PM
11.4.2006 13:08 MSK
Humanitarian worker detained in Chechnya
CHECHNYA, Sernovodsk Village. On the morning of April 9th, 2006, near the Chechen village of Sernovodsk on the Rostov - Baku route, the authorities detained Bulat Chilayev, colleague of the local office of the "Civil Assistance" Committee, and Aslan Israilov, an inhabitant of Grozny. As of the second-half of the day on April 10th , their whereabouts were unknown.

According to the Human Rights Center "Memorial" and the "Civil Assistance" Committee, on the evening of April 8th, at approximately 9:10p.m., three Sernovodsk residents were killed: Timur Shamilev, born 1982, Artur Shamilev, born 1987, and Arsen Shamilev born 1986.

Timur Shamilev worked with the police in the Sunzhensky ROVD, in Groznyy, in the anti-terrorist center. According to his neighbors, Timur Shamilev was zealous in his police work. On April 8th, Timur Shamilev arrived home to Sernovodsk in his car. The steering had broken down that day. In the evening, at about 8:00p.m., he and his brother Artur and his cousin Arsen went to the home of local resident Magomadov, who repairs cars, to fix the broken part.

After Magomadov finished the repair, Shamilev paid him, and he and his brothers left. They had driven 30-40 meters from Magomadov’s home, when, at the intersection of Lenin and Maxim Gorky Streets, at the corner of Buildng № 38, the car was shot at. No one was on the street. People who live in the neighborhood heard only shooting - two bursts from an automatic. When they went outside to find out what had happened, they saw Shamilev’s car riddled with bullets. No one saw the attackers. Officers of the Sunzhensky ROVD inspected the place of incident until the morning.

The Shamilevs were buried on April 9th. This the second attack on the police in the past week.

Early in the morning on April 9th, a special “cleansing” operation began in Sernovodsk in response to Shamilev’s death. The entire perimeter of the village was surrounded by a large quantity of soldiers and FSB officers. Identification checks were carried out.

According to "Memorial", only one person was detained - Aslan Israilov, born in 1980 - 1982, an inhabitant of Grozny. At the moment of his detention, he was at the home of his maternal grandfather, Adrakhman Dzhabayev. Aslan was released shortly after being detained.

He asked his grandfather’s neighbor, Bulat Chilayev, to take him to Groznyy. Bulat Chilayev, born 1979, works as a driver for the medical program of the humanitarian organization "Civil Assistance Committee” in Sernovodsk. They passed two checkpoints set up in Sernovodsk during the so-called “cleansing” operation.
At approximately 12:00am on April 9th, they reached the cross-roads of Sernovodsk - Assinovskaya on the "Caucasus" federal route. Chilayev and Israilov were detained by the authorities and driven away
According to witnesses, when Chilaev’s car drew up, the authorities (among whom there were both Chechens and Russians), put masks on, blocked the car and then stopped it. Without explanation, they grabbed Chilaev and his passenger, twisted their hands, and, beating them, threw them into a car: Israilov was put in the trunk, and Chilaev - into the rear seat, between two of the men. Three others entered Chilaev’s car. The cars were driven away towards Grozny.

Local resident Baky Zhulyagov, got Chilaev’s license plate and immediately reported the incident to Chilayev’s family. Chilaev’s father, Sultan Chilaev, was on his way to Groznyy when he got the news. After arriving, he contacted the procuratorship of the UFSB of the Chechen Republic, the RUBOP, and to the Anti-terrorist Center. Other relatives approached the ROVD and regional FSB in Achkhoy-Martane and Urus-Martane. They were told by all these agencies that they had nothing to do with the detention of Chilaev, Israilov, and their car. Chilaev and Israilov’s locations were unknown on the morning of April 10th.

On the evening of April 9th, the authorities confirmed to Sultan Chilaev that Bulat Chilaev was detained because he was driving Aslan Israilov, was being held by the Chechen Republic UFSB, and would be released immediately; however, as of 12:30 April 10, there was no information on his whereabouts.

Translated by OM Kenney
PRIMA-News Agency [2006-04-10-Rus-12]

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