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«All lie, lie and lie...»

posted by zaina19 on March, 2006 as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 3/22/2006 11:23 AM

«All lie, lie and lie...»

At the end of February is the sequential anniversary of battle the hearth Ulus-Kertom, in course of which was destroyed the company of Russian landing force members from Pskov. Despite the fact that the lie of Kremlin propaganda about this battle was repeatedly refuted by Chechen side, Moscow as before attempts to push through lie into the public consciousness of the average man and to impose its treatment of that unprecedented battle, in which the emaciated by long passage mujahadeen completely broke the elite subdivision of Russian troops.

Six years ago, on 29 February of 2000, near Ulus-Kerta occurred fierce fighting between the selected force of occupiers and the subdivision of the Chechen mujahadeen.

70 Chechen soldiers stormed the height, at which was located the company of those quite Pskov landing force members, whom, as Russian propaganda lie, allegedly "held in control strong pressure of 2 thousand fighters".

1300 mujahadeen already moved the ninth day on the scaffolding from the side of Shatoya in the direction Dargo-Vedeno, on the belt sinking in snow. Depleted by long passage, iced, injured, patients, the mujahadeen left to the gorge of Vashtar River. Reconnaissance reported, that at the height between Ulus-Kertom and Oak -Hrtom was located the force of the occupiers, at disposal of whom mortars. Eyewitnesses and participants in that battle say, that after short conference the injured Shamil Basayev (he was bore on the stretchers with the torn foot) ordered Khattab to select assault team and to attack landing force members. Khattab at first refused, after stating that the column (although under the firing) will be able to pass landing force members, without entering into the fire contact. However, Shamil made attention at the fact that in the case of passage under the fire of the enemy the losses will be incommensurable more, and that the rear guard of column will prove to be under the threat of mortar shooting.

Then Shamil Basayev was turned to Khattab and said - "if you do not carry out my order now, then during the Judge Day I will testify before Allah that you did not carry out the order of your amir".

After hearing these words, Khattab apologized and approached the formation of assault team, which he headed. As subsequently said Khattab, he frightened those words of shamil and that during the Judge Day he will justify before the Most High by nothing.

Khattab selected the group of the mujahadeen into 70 volunteer fighters. Before the battle Shamil was turned to the mujahadeen with the speech. Then began assault. As participants in the battle say, they rose to the high-rise under the hurricane fire of enemy with the improbably slow speed. There were not forces to move upward. The mujahadeen by hands helped themselves to transpose legs. There was not speech on aimed fire at the landing force members. When foremost group climbed the height, the impressive and at the same time strange picture appeared before them. About 100 corpses were fallen down into one heap, as if someone specially dragged over them into one place. The horror is chilled on the persons of all landing force members. The persons were sulfur- ashy color. Almost all had bullet injuries into the head and the breast almost under the throat.

The mujahadeen lost exactly 21 soldiers. Many were injured, but in essence it is easy. As declared Khattab and the soldiers of assault team into the consequence, in all participants in that battle was the clear sensation of the fact that the reason of death of landing force members was not so much their shooting, as action of another force, force of god and his angels.

Khattab, which loved to tell the episodes of different battles, practically never separately was extended about the battle hearth Ulus-Kertom. About this battle little told its other participants. When the mujahadeen attempted to question Khattaba about that battle, he usually answered briefly - "this was not our work...".

But meanwhile Russian propaganda, trying to distort the real events of that battle, continues to tell fictions "about the hordes of fighters and the handful Russian heroes". The articles and the books are written, films and settings are removed, on TV come out the Generals policy, and all lie, lie, lie....

Said Irbakhayev

Kavkaz Center

2006-03-22 10:15:06

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