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Skandoliza Rais threatens the mojaheds

posted by zaina19 on March, 2006 as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 3/11/2006 6:39 AM
March, 11, 2006

Skandoliza Rais threatens the mojaheds

Andrey Novikov, the group "confidence between the east and the West", Rybinsk city, for CHECHENPRESS, 21.02.06.


 The American Secretary of State Skandoliza Rais, resembling some kind of devil in the before-dawn dusk, descending on the aircraft ladder, just from the abyss, from the wide open sky, declared to journalists literally the following:

 - We will contain torture prisons, because usual justice does not befit for the terrorists.

This astonished us. Let me ask, why exactly "for the terrorists" does not it befit usual justice?

Well, can already captured, undertaken into captivity, terrorist just threaten the safety of the United States, if there are not applicable American laws and he must be inevitably tortured, by the way, without any judicial verdict, in prisons, in no way designated in the world justice?

It can be only one. By force of its soul? Because the tortures set as a goal to break SPIRIT. It cannot be even named as means of obtaining information from those suspected, for this there are other means. Torture - this is the pressure over the human for the purpose to break him.

This is what exactly Americans do. If English crown that time had tortured American warriors for the independence of the USA, creating for this purpose the concentration camps in India and Africa, then America now would not have been tortured. Because it would not have existed.

 Americans in the person of "international terrorism" fight against spiritual might are t o r t u r e d, in all senses of this word, to break this might. It passes from the "usual justice" to the terror, reviving thus "special crimes", as they were understood By Vishinsky. Namely, his words, practically literally was repeated by Kondoliza Rais, when she said that for the "terrorists it is insufficient the usual justice". But what kind is it sufficient? What other kind of justice exists? Only injustice. In the normal country, it is sufficient only usual justice: they enlarge lawful base so that it would be sufficient. But if this is in conflict with the values of society, then another one is created, "uncommon" justice. That is extraordinary. Extrajudicial law trials, troika, tribunals.

We have passed by this during our history.

 Extrajudicial violence over those suspected, transformation of intelligence division into the "punishing sword of America", the creation of the prisons of CIA throughout the world, in no way detained in American justice, the strange aircraft of CIA without the identification marks, landed in Poland, Rumania, in the future, possibly, in Russia - this is the feature of American messianism, more and more turning into imperialism, using the means of the state terrorism throughout the world.

 Americans want to make all free – but get prisons throughout the world...

Ignoring one’s own legal standards - this is the right sign of the imperialistic democratic state, which the USA appears to be today.

CIA cannot torture those s u s p e c t e d in the terrorism in the territory of the USA, because this disperses from the legislation of the country. But for this they create prisons in other states.

However, What are these CIA prisons like? Camps for the prisoners of war?

Does not CIA turn into the "operational justice", into the sword of American war against the terror, by analogy with the Russian extraordinary commissions and the divisions of SS?

 And, finally, let us ask, W h a t  f o r American reconnaissance create its prisons in the former SS torture chambers? (who knows, perhaps it will create them, also, in the former torture chambers of NKVD someday!) What bothers Bush and his CIA to agree with Russian President Tuzikov that the Russian prison resources would be given at the disposal of torture American reconnaissance?

Russia – is not Poland, and not Germany. It – rather form of Africa. Cheap country with the cheap prisons. With large quantity of torture chambers and by the suitable mood of people. What bother CIA to move their prisons into Russia? Will we see soon American hangmen –CIA-ers, chewing chewing gum on the streets of Moscow? Will CIA ask Sharikov to lease to him the insulator Chernokozovo? But perhaps, the division of Dzerzhinskiy of special designation? Where the limits of the cynicism of two states, which were combined on the basis of "combating of terrorism" and accomplishing, in the essence, international crimes, fruit-bearing s t a t e terrorism? We,

We are the group "Confidence", created once for the establishment of confidence between America and Russia, we declare, that they are intended to bring an action against the American administration into the Hague tribunal for the actions, incompatible with international law and humaneness.

We promise that we will invent usual justice for American devils... We will take out the enormous octopus, which CIA has become, and break its head. We will place this putrefying creature on whole Europe so that it would choke in its evaporations.

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