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posted by zaina19 on February, 2006 as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 2/6/2006 1:36 AM
03.02.2006 - 00:48:31

STRASBOURG (France) —Said-Emin Ibragimov, chairman of the International Association for Peace and Human Rights, stated in Strasbourg that ´´The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe PACE’s winter session (Jan 23-27) was nothing but to get PACE justify themselves and acquit their own conscious. ´´Chechen issue is a matter of life and death, is a matter of existence. PACE Resolution is an important document but lacks capacity to force the aggressor. Chechen struggle for existence will continue.´´

PACE’s press conference was designed to console The Chechens but we get it. We´re not vexed but indignant on unjust handling. PACE had promised us to secure our participation to Chechnya Session. But instead they arranged a press conference only.

PACE’s press conference led by Rudolf Bindig, Socialist Group Germany, rapporteur of the Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights, stated that ´´Chechnya Report is supported by two thirds of the PACE.´´

Said-Emin Ibragimov finally stated that ´´Chechen issue is a matter of life and death, is a matter of existence. PACE Resolution is an important document but lacks capacity to force the aggressor. Chechen struggle for existence will continue.´´

Said-Emin Ibragimov, chairman of the International Association for Peace and Human Rights who on December 10 started a hunger strike to persuade European organizations to help resolve the Chechen conflict, suspended his protest after PACE chairman Walter Schwimmer assured him that PACE will discuss all of his requirements.

More than 400 Chechen Diaspora supported The Chechen cause despite the freezing temperatures in Strasbourg´s PACE premises.

(Agency Caucasus)

280106 Ibragimov

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