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"The disease without diagnosis"

posted by zaina19 on January, 2006 as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 1/5/2006 5:29 AM
January, 03, 2006

"The disease without diagnosis"

Zaurbek Galaev, for CHECHENPRESS, 03.01.06


The method of the "end of war in Chechnya", used by the Kremlin, seemingly, extended also to medicine. Probably, in the Kremlin they decided: As it possible, after arranging information blockade around Chechnya, to declare three years ago about the end of war, then why do not we use so advanced method in the fight with the unknown disease?

They first devised the suitable diagnosis of mysterious disease - "mass psychosis, which is transmitted through the information!?". (Based on the logic of occupiers, neither in Afghanistan nor in Iraq nor moreover in Palestine must be children at all). Then they devised not less savage solution of problem - to forbid the propagation of information about the disease. However, the result appeared on the second day. Except for the information about quantity of those discharged from hospitals, other information about the disease, which struck Chechen children, does not arrive from Chechnya.

 Any version of Russian side about the origin of disease appears so delirious that it does not have sense even to refute them. There is no hope, also, for the fact that by occupational structures and by their servant- marionettes will be carried out any investigation, whatever "authoritative commissions" Moscow equipped into Chechnya. In Chechnya, there are no conditions for the valuable work of the legal organs of authority and Chechen Ministry of Public Health.

 To design for the fact that the occupiers recognize their fault, even in the unpremeditated crime, and in the carelessness - height of stupidity and naivete. That is more naive to expect that the Kremlin junta confess to the goal-directed poisoning of Chechen children. Any investigation of this incident, organized by occupiers, will only be the imitation of activity with the purpose to hide these terrible crimes. If someone doubts, let him become acquainted with the materials about "Nord-Ost". The usage of the toxic substances in the center of Moscow, under the nose of the inhabitants of the capital, until now, years later, is wrapped by the secret, and, any steps of authorities are directed toward the concealment of truth, and they openly spit on the victims.

It is sufficient one interview of Putin, who stats, as if the gas, used in the theater on Dubrovk, was "absolutely harmless" in order to understand true face of Russian authorities. If these being doubted and then nothing understood, then a year later there appeared the fresh example in the city Beslan. More than a year has already passed after those events, and Russian side still continues to be repulsed from the facts, witnesses of which were hundreds of people on the spot and millions of people in straight ether. With what "objective investigation" of mysterious "disease without the diagnosis" of hundreds of Chechen children in the distant from Moscow Shelkovskeye region of Chechnya can deal the discussion, after murder by occupiers of hundreds of thousands inhabitants of Chechnya?

The investigation of this crime, undoubtedly, will be accomplished, and Chechen side will conduct it. A difference in this investigation from the Russian near-medical fantasy, issued for the investigation, will be in the fact that for Kremlin killers will be produced the concrete demand, which has nothing common with the "loyal subject protests" of victims of Nord-Ost and Beslan.


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