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The Last Hope of the Chechen Refugees Imprisoned

posted by zaina19 on January, 2006 as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 1/2/2006 2:42 PM
The Last Hope of the Chechen Refugees Imprisoned
On the 28th of December, Tbilisi Civil Court has sentenced 3 months preliminary imprisonment to Chechen refugee Mahomed Mahaev.
The staff of Special Operative Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has arrested Mahaev on the 27th of December. Mahaev’s humanitarian organization “Imedi” (“Hope”) is accused in connection with terrorist network “Al Qaeda”, in falsification of the documents, abuse of duties.
The humanitarian organization “Imedi” has been operating in Pankisi gorge and is the organization assisting Chechen refugees in Georgia.
The General Procurer’s Office is investigating the case from July 2005. He has never been hidden from the police and has always attended the examinations.
On the 6th of September 2005, the staff of the General Prosecutor’s Office raided the flat of Chechen Muhamed Makhaev. They took away computers and humanitarian documents prepared by him. Based on information provided by the financial monitoring department, a criminal investigation procedure has started on the 20th of September.
The Chechen Muhamed Makhaev established and registered the humanitarian aid organization “Imedi” (“Hope”) in April 2003. For 3 years his organization was assisting refugees from Chechnya living in Georgia and providing them with humanitarian aid. He was sending food and wood to them, financially supported orphans, organized free computer courses for refugees, was covering their medical insurance and so on.
“Imedi’s“ partners were solid European humanitarian organizations as “Muslim Helfen” from Germany and “Muslim Hands” from Britain. These organizations are also partners of the “Red Cross and Red Crescent”.
On the 6th of September 2005, the staff of the General Prosecutor’s Office raided the flat of Muhamed Makhaev and told him that a criminal investigation procedure was started against him. They took away the computers and all documents which had any connection to the activities of “Imedi”.
After the raid, the organization was not able to continue its work. “Imedi’s” activities have been stopped for a month and a half. At the end of October, the Special
Department on the Legalization of Illegal Income of General Prosecutor’s Office returned all the documents to Makhaev.
On the 28th of December, Tbilisi City Court has sentenced 3 months preliminary imprisonment to Chechen refugee Mahomed Mahaev.
The Human Rights Information and Documentation Centre demands:
To realize Mr Mahaev;
To cancel the accusation of connection “Imedi” with “Al Qaeda”
Best wishes,
Ucha Nanuashvili
Executive Director
Human Rights Information and Documentation Center (HRIDC)
1, Rustaveli Ave., Entrance 5, 4th Floor, Apt. 68.
Tbilisi, 0105 Georgia
Tel./Fax: (+995 32) 99 04 02   (+995 32) 45 45 33
Cell: (+995 99) 50 80 36
2006-01-01 15:59:08

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