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"Dublin trap"

posted by zaina19 on November, 2005 as Human Rights

rom: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 10/30/2005 2:43 PM
October, 28, 2005

"Dublin trap"

In Warsaw, within the framework of the program "Groups of Movement" was held the meeting with the Helsinki Fund of human Rights - the lawyer organization engaged in protection of the Chechen refugees along the procedure of asylum inquiry.

The professor of the Warsaw University, doctor of right Irena Cheplinska told about the system of asylum inquiry and granting in Poland, about some specific questions concerning the application of the Geneva Convention clauses and the Dublin Agreement after the acceptance of Poland in the Eurounion.

From all refugees who today are in Poland, more than 90 % make up Chechens. For 2004 only 350 persons from them had received the status of the recognized refugee, and 750 - tolerant cards.

The system of tolerant cards came into effect in April, 2004, and this is the most perfidious law used today with respect to refugees. The state reports to the Eurounion about acceptance of refugees from humane promptings, otherwise, agrees on their stay in the country, but people in that way lose the social aid and the habitation. Refugees simply turn into "tramps", filling up the huge army of the Polish homelesses.

Lawyers, under the application of the refugee, are able to appeal against such decision, but it is very difficult to achieve the status because the Polish authorities do not recognize Chechens as pursued ethnic group.

T.Ismailova has told about the experience of cooperation with migratory services and the Commissariat on affairs of refugees in Belgium, about practical work on the decision of problems of the Chechen refugees in this country.

The lawyer of Helsinki Fund Bartomi Tokazz is engaged in the refugees deported from the Western countries back to Poland, according to the Dublin Agreement.

- Instead of appealing against the decision of authorities on tolerant stay, Chechens leave for other countries of the Eurounion, - says the lawyer, - and some of them even to the Chechen Republic.

Having signed the Dublin Agreement, Poland is obliged to withdraw all refugees who asked for the asylum in this country, and on returning they should address to B.Tokazz in the Helsinki Fund.

The Helsinki Fund of human Rights and "The Group of Movement" have decided to continue cooperation and adjust the constant information interchange and experience in other countries of the Eurounion in the decision of problems of the Chechen refugees.

Minister of Foreign Affairs of CHRI U.Ferzauli and the Director of Department in connection with Vainakh diaspora R.Ampukaev took part in the meeting .

The press-service of Ministries of Foreign Affairs of CHRI

Chechenpress, the Department of the official information, 28.10.05

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