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Meeting with Representative UNHCR in Slovakia

posted by zaina19 on November, 2005 as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 11/30/2005 6:14 AM
November, 30, 2005

Meeting with Representative UNHCR in Slovakia

"Action Group" has met the Representative of the Supreme Commissioner of the United Nations in Slovakia mister Perfranchesko Maria Natta concerning a critical situation with refugees from the Chechen Republic in this country.

Since 1992 in Slovakia are registered 47 637 applicants of a refuge, from them 574 persons have received the status of the refugee that makes only 1,8 percents of the general number. The last year it was given 11 statuses, and only one person from the Chechen Republic has found refuge.

- The Chechen refugees frivolously concern to procedure of inquiry of a refuge in Slovakia. Authorities too are convinced, that this category of refugees uses the country as a transit zone and, accordingly do not make attempts to understand in essence with applications of refugees from Chechen Republic - regretfully marks mister Natta.

The refugees, requested the refuge in Slovakia, as a rule, are those who has passed border of Ukraine or have got over from Poland. The Chechens make 95 percents of those 915 refugees from the postSoviet countries registered in 2005, certainly,, the deprived opportunities to receive visas in the European consulates in Russia as all others, and not having concepts that since May, 2004 the migratory policy(politics) of EU has undergone essential changes, and they can not get over in the western countries as earlier.

When refugees face with this problem, some of them refuse to sign the request for a refuge in Slovakia as after that, according to the new law, any other country may not accept them.

- Not signed the request for a refuge at once pass in a category of the foreigners who have illegally crossed frontier of Slovakia, and concerning them the European laws and agreements on reception of refugees cease to operate, - mister Natta continues. - But we may not allow, that concerning these people the laws protecting their human rights ceased to operate.

On a question, whether Representative knows, that today the Dublin Convention operates against Chechens, he objects:

- On territory of Slovakia without visas there pass not only Chechens, but also Vietnamese, Chinese, Afghans, Indians. And the Dublin Convention equally operates concerning all these groups.

- But, you see, basically, all these ethnic groups come from Russian side, and if they asked the visa in the European consulate in the country, hardly received refusal. Russia today became the supplier of Asian illegals to Europe and besides influences consulates of the foreign states in the territory, not recommending them to open visas to ethnic Chechens!

- Certainly, it is unfair, that the Dublin Convention adjusts streams of refugees in the frontier countries, as Slovakia, Czechia and Poland. These are the weak countries and they are unable to become a buffer zone for the west of Europe. Absence of conditions for the maintenance of refugees, bureaucracy stimulate people to illegal actions, i.e. illegal crossing of border.

- What is the alternative, in your opinion?

- Today already there is a decision, that refugees from the Chechen Republic will be not deported to Russia if they at all have not asked a refuge in Slovakia and, accordingly become the foreigners who have broken border of other state. Slovakia will move them in camps in territory of Ukraine. Two camps will accept those who did not ask a refuge, and others two - those to whom Slovakia has given political asylum. One of such centres already operates in Odessa, another will start work in Mukachevo near Uzhgorod.

- Whether the situation with the Chechen refugees in prison of city of Sychevtsy is known to you?

- Yes, I am familiar with this situation. As I already said, in such institutions there are foreigners, who crossed border of Slovakia and not asking a refuge. As a rule, they should be there about six months. Rules of reception of refugees are not distributed to them, but no other of their rights should be broken. Our workers visit each week,  Sichevtsy, Medvedevo, Apatovo where there are such establishments, and accept from wishing the application for a refuge that promotes their translation in the centres for refugees. We know that in territory of these establishments use dogs, but the ministry explains it with aggression of prisoners. We try to change something, we understand, that aggression may arise from misunderstanding that occurs, because, that people on hands do not have documents with the decision of court, and they do not know, how much time they will remain there.

- What can you do for those Chechens who are today in establishments for foreigners? These people became victims of infringement of their right in reception of legal travel papers in the country, and ignorances of new migratory laws. Being victims of the antiChechen Russian state policy, instead of protection which they search in Europe, they receive new sufferings from which it is very difficult for them to recover. Soon come christmas holidays, and officials will leave on a vacation. Have not Chechen children  deserved the better attitude even in Europe?

- We negotiate with the Ministries of Internal Affairs, with the request to remove dogs, and we shall try to take Chechens in the centres for refugees. Henceforth to not suppose such cases, already on border it is necessary to distinguish refugees and emigrants. Our organization considers, that the system of reception of refugees should be identical in all 25 countries of EU, it should correspond to uniform norms. The person who have found refuge in one country, should receive the right to live in any of the countries where he considers acceptable for him. Then the Dublin Convention senselessness of which is obvious already today will cease to operate.

"Action Group" has thanked mister Natta for conversation and has offered to issue the booklet with an explanation of a new migratory policy of EU and with various situations which may arise concerning those who goes on territory of Slovakia and to entrust on border to all those who passes border.

The press-service of Department on communications with Vainakh diaspora

CHECHENPRESS, the Department of the official information, 30.11.05.

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