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Former Guantanamo prisoner arrested in Nalchik

posted by zaina19 on October, 2005 as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 10/26/2005 7:06 AM

 Former Guantanamo prisoner arrested in Nalchik

On October 23rd, in Nalchik, Rasul Kudayev, a former Guantanamo prisoner, was arrested and delivered to local authorities fighting organized crime, reported journalist Orkhan Dzhemal. After a recent attack on the primary structures in Kabardino-Balkaria, Kudayev’s family as well as the families of many Muslims, received an unofficial warning: all men must stay in their homes.

In the case of the absence of a man from his place of residence, federal searches can be declared without any investigation into the reasons for his absence. The men are basically under house arrest, Dzhemal notes. In Dzhemal’s opinion, Rasul Kudayev’s participation in the events of October 13-14th is impossible, since after several years spent in Guantanamo, Kudayev is an invalid and can only move with difficulty.

Several days before the arrest, police officers came to his home. At the time, an ORT film crew was with Kudayev. The police did not arrest him then, and selected a time for the arrest when journalists would not be present and there would be no unnecessary witnesses. According to Dzhemal, at the present moment, people in Nalchik, are being arrested and detained if it is known that they regularly read Namaz or that they are opposed to the government of Kabardino-Balkaria.

With the aid of physical pressure the authorities obtain indictments from their friends and acquaintances. Thus, the circle of “accomplices of the fighters" has already been widened to several thousand people. In Rasul Kudayev’s case, the basis for the search was an anonymous call to the UBOP MVD hotline of Kabardino-Balkaria.

At least that is the basis indicated in the order signed by an inspector in the Major Case department of the General Procurator's office of the Southern Federal Region, Senior Adviser, Y. Savrulin. The anonymous caller supposedly reported that Kudayev himself participated in the attack in Nalchik, and had weapons and ammunition stored in his house. The search found nothing, but Rasul Kudayev was nevertheless detained in spite of the absence of an attorney

Towards evening it became known that in tens of Nalchik apartments, searches and arrests were made as the result of anonymous calls to the hotlines.

Orkhan Dzhemal is confident, that the primary structures are using the attack in Nalchik as a convenient occasion for beginning political repressions against Muslims in the republic. He calls on all interested persons to monitor the fate of Rasul Kudayev.


2005-10-26 16:10:59

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