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The appeal of the Chechen refugees in Poland

posted by zaina19 on September, 2005 as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 9/3/2005 1:01 AM
September, 3, 2005

The appeal of the Chechen refugees in Poland

To the Supreme Commissioner of the United Nations on affairs of refugees
In the International Red Cross
To all International, public, political organizations engaged in protection of human rights

To management of CHRI
To management of Poland

Dear ladies and gentelmen!

Today 15th day as we, the Chechen refugees who are taking place in Poland, in city of Lublin, refuse the reception of food. We were compelled to declare the beginning of the action of termless hunger-strike in connection with the critical situation which has been usual today in Poland and in particular, in our centre on reception of refugees.

Our problems are connected to full absence of legal, social, and any other protection for the Chechen refugees in Poland, and in particular in our centre.

Today is the 15-th day as 7 persons are in a condition of hunger-strike, two from them in a faint from an exhaustion of an organism.

The basic purpose of the action of termless hunger-strike is a meeting with the Representative of the Supreme Commissioner of the United Nations on affairs of refugees in Poland with mister D.Rui De of Santiago on questions of protection of the rights within the framework of the General Declaration of human rights, the International Convention of 1951 and Report of year 1967, and as acceptance of the program of integration of refugees and if it is impossible, integration in the third country.

For achievement of this purpose the Union of refugees on protection of the rights to which the right to operate is delegated on behalf of all refugees of the centre in Lublin is created.

We repeatedly addressed to the Representative of the Supreme Commissioner of the United Nations on affairs of refugees in Poland with the request for realization of such meeting under the sanction of the usual situation, but the answer has not followed.

Since 23.08.2005 , after a meeting with mister E.Zenkevich, the worker of Representation of the United Nations in Poland , the disputed situation has sharply become aggravated. People which have declared hunger-strike and refused to receive a meal in a dining room of the centre, demand radical measures, down to autocratic mass departure from Poland .

We understand, that in economically weak country where 600 thousand people have no habitation, 3 million unemployed, 6 million needy, we have not enough chances in the decision of our problems, and do not wish to be a burden for this country.

We ask all competent persons, the organizations, the immediate interfere with a crisis situation. To do the utmost, to prevent continuation of hunger-strike and to solve the problems with the Chechen refugees in Poland .

Any minute the weakened and hopeless people may undertake extreme steps and a situation threatens to become uncontroled.

Staff of the Union of refugees on protection of the rights, Lublino, August, 31, 2005 .

IA DAYMOHK, 03.09.05.

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