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In suffocating embraces of empire

posted by zaina19 on September, 2005 as Human Rights

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From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 9/26/2005 2:08 AM

In suffocating embraces of empire

These days pass days of memory of so-called <<Sandpiper fights>>, in completely deformed and false interpretation. The history of Tatars (Turkic peoples) - is a history of struggle for a survival from ruthless, devilish empires of moskowians.

In suffocating embraces of empire

For 450 years was thought up the ways of destruction of Turkic peoples: absolute annihilation of villages, drowing people in ice-holes, the violent christening, the amplified taxes, leaving them without means of subsistence. According to the Bashkir scientists by their possible number of Turkic peoples in case of their independence and independent from Russia, today there are only-7 % of Tatars, 3-4 % the Bashkir and 1 % distressful Nogaisc people, one of great Turkic peoples of Eurasia.

The world famous tatar theologian, scientific, the historian and philosopher Rizaetdin Fahretdin has specified five most typical ways of destruction of Tatars Russian empire:

1. Imperial armies completely destroyed the tatar villages and then on the devastated tatar grounds moved Russian.

2. People from the tatar villages indifferently banished to Siberia: the part from them perished in a way, and the others then - for famine, a cold and illnesses. In such way released villages occupied Russian as on the empty grounds.

3. Tatars were christened in the whole villages, were named by Russian names and were appropriated a new nationality: "Russian". Not obeyed were killed or banished to Siberia.

4. Russian were moved in tatar villages, were releasing them from taxes, distributing the best grounds. Russian and christen Tatars have created the best conditions of living. Татар turned to slaves and gradually disappeared. For example, in Kasimov where earlier was 100 % of Tatars, today live only 2 %. Such mixed settlements and villages till now are in many areas of Russia now considered - "primordially Russian grounds ".

5. High-grade tatar country disbanded and settled in 2 - 4 families in Russian villagesб where them violently christened and placed under the special control.

At such immigrants scoffed especially severely. Fine tatar girls forced to marry the most ill, useless Russian men; healthy tatar guys married to the most ill, ugly and dissolute Russian women, and their children then wrote down in churches Russian. So, one generation of Tatar turned to Russian orthodox " christians ".

So the empire on the one hand solved a problem of destruction of Turkic peoples, and with another - improved gen of the Russian population. All few peoples around of Moscow and further on surburbs were exposed practically to so-called "Russia" by the same destruction and artificial assimilation

The map of the Russian empire, of two hundred year's prescription till now, is't classified since there are designated more than 2000 tatar cemeteries, settlements, auls which are now erased from the ground ( from Kiev and Tula - to the south and the east). As an evident illustration of methods of colonization of the tatar grounds may serve Uspensk church in Bulgar, erected on... Sepulchral tatar plates!

To exterminate, expel the tatar moslems from their native places was few to aggressories, them still needed to mock their ancient culture and the nice past. Such facts are much possible to list. Even the main church of modern Tatarstan - the Blagoveshchensk cathedral in the Kazan Kremlin, under the certificate of the orthodox theological encyclopedia which was issued still before revolution, was erected in walls of the ancient tatar mosque nicknamed in people - by a mosque " kul-Sharif". The similar tragic destiny has comprehended to the tatar mosques not only in Kazan, but also in Astrakhan, in Crimea, in other cities and villages of the Russian empire where Muslim peoples of Eurasia lived. The severe truth of a history till now is carefully covered up in Russia.

The Russian colonization has turned back the territories of the former tatar states for most tatar people by the biggest trubble.

Paraphrasing one Russian writer it is possible to say daring, that the Russian yoke not simply tortured, but also dried up soul of tatar people. Having collied with fierce resistance of Tatars, to attempts violent christen and russification in XVI-XVII centuries, Russian empire on boundary XVIII-XIX of centuries has decided to turn to other tactics: from frank spiritual expansion methods has turned to the latent forms of national and spiritual enslaving, corruption of the tatar nation.

And the first, most powerful impact was, certainly, on spiritual guides of tatar people - to Muslim heads and leaders of the tatar moslems.

The imperial and orthodox manual of Russia for centuries of fierce struggle with won, but not obeyed tatar people has realized its strong and weak sides. A strength of the tatar moslems, in opinion of orthodox inquisition, was the indissoluble alloy of national interests of Tatars with spiritual values of the Islam. This spiritual power of the tatar moslems with the independent and authoritative tatar religious leaders, were a sample to the people of sincere service to the Islam , interests of all tatar nation.

This cohort devoted and fair tatar imams, sincerely serving to the people and living on strict canons of the Islam, was one of the most powerful support of the Islam in Russia. More than once the tatar Muslim leaders possessing huge authority among simple people, in critical days for moslems rallied around of themselves believers and lifted them on victorious Jikhad against the Russian colonizers. Victorious - as for the moslems sincerely participating in war for Belief, Jikhad always brings the maximum compensation from God - independently even from its external, wordly results.

Perfectly realizing that destroy the Islam in the tatar nation with open impact was impossible, Russian colonizers have decided to strike to the tatar moslems in a back, destroy them by their Byzantian cunning and insidiousness. Having failed to break the tatar moslems in open I fight, orthodox Russia has decided to strangle them by the noxious embraces.

For these purposes, after powerful performances of the tatar moslems in time of Pugachov revolt, Ekaterina II declares the Islam as one of the free religions of Russia and has founded in the first spiritual branch of moslems Russian empire - muftiat in Orenburg. The purpose of this establishment was an establishment of the control of the tatar moslems, split and decomposition of the tatar clergy through his its attraction on service of Russian empire.

Illustration of that, as a huge value was given to this new structure of spiritual enslaving of Tatars by Russia, that the post of the head of spiritual management of moslems of the Russian empire was equated to a general rank with assignment to mufti huge salary.

The official head of moslems were quite often given the big estates with peasants in the Russian empire and they entered into the supreme court circles of Russian, orthodox empire. The part of Muslim clergy of Tatars was involved on service of Russia, turned gradually to one of groups of the Russian officials and, hence, was opposed de facto to all other tatar people, on former languish under imperial oppression and seeing in Russia their primordial national oppressor!

To be continued_

Iskhak-khadji Lotfulin, Tatarstan


2005-09-23 13:10:08

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