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Slovakia has sent three Chechen families in Russian concentration camp

posted by zaina19 on August, 2005 as Human Rights

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From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 8/9/2005 1:08 AM
August, 9, 2005

Slovakia has sent three Chechen families in Russian concentration camp

In Vienna it became known, that, at least, three Chechen families to whom the political asylum in Slovakia was rejected last year, after the subsequent exile from the country, were recently arrested and thrown in the Russian concentration camp of death. Thus in the concentration camp were caught all members of families, including infants.

Children were separated from parents and placed in a separate children's concentration camp of death. The heads of these three families earlier already were exposed to tortures in Russian concentration camps and consequently they together with the families escaped to Slovakia . Now, due to Slovaks, Russian executioners will torture their children as well.

The "fault" of Chechens in the eyes of chechen executioners is, that they asked for the political asylum in the west. Newspaper Wiener Zeitung printing in Austria has informed about it.

The chairman of the Organization of concentration (filtrational) camps of prisoners (OPC(F) C) Vakh Banjev has told in the interview of the newspaper about these camps. In Russian concentration camps since 1994 has been killed 47.500 Chechens. Altogether through them have passed 125.000 citizens of CHRI, men, women, children, at an aggregate number of population of CHRI 1 million persons. The death rate in the Russian concentration camps intended for Chechens, makes up 38 %. Chechens are exposed there to wild tortures. Besides horrifying pure physical tortures from which hugely die people, Chechens subject every possible mental humiliations. They are not allowed, for example, to satisfy their daily needs.

The newspaper tells about the case of Chechen Magamed B. (the full surname is not informed). Russian occupants arrested him, having come to his home in searches of his uncle. As he did not know, where his uncle was, 19-year-old Magamed was seized by executioners of FSB and have thrown him in a filtrational concentration camp. There he was subjected to " special processing " (executioners slang FSB and so forth), that is to tortures.

However Magamed was silent. His family, eventually, managed to redeem him from Russian concentration camp as he was completely innocent. After the release he immediately left the Chechen Republic because it is known, that to those who at least once was arrested by Russian chastisers, they necessarily come for them again, Magamed told to the Viennese newspaper Wiener Zeitung.

After the long travel on foot, completely weakened from hunger; Magamed managed to overpass Ukrainian - Slovak border. In Slovakia he immediately asked for political asylum. However on the next day he was arrested by police and given to Ukraine . The Ukrainian police flang him in prison. Magamed had spent 2 night in a cellar of the Ukrainian prison.

There were not beds. He slept on an armchair. Then he together with other 14 citizens of CHRI, under police guardning, were seated on " a train of death to Russia " (so is called the separate article in the newspaper, devoted to his destiny) and were taken for punishment to the chechen executioners.

Magamed managed to jump off from the train at dawn, having taken advantage of the carelessness of dozing security guards. Three days he was in hiding from the Russian chastisers, sent for his capture. Then he set out to the west. This time he safely reached Austria and asked for the political asylum which he, undoubtedly will receive, especially after the newspaper publication about his destiny.

Slovakia regularly and systematically gives out the Chechen refugees on punishment in the hands of Putin's executioners. According to the order of minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Slovakia Vladimir Palko, the Slovak police is obliged under any pretexts and arraignment to refuse the political asylum to all Chechens. The statistics of asylum refusal to the citizens of CHRI is concealed by the regime.

Last year the political asylum in Slovakia received only 1 Chechen from the huge number of citizens of CHRI. It is known, that only 0,09 % from all refugees with different nationalities applied for the resort, receive a shelter in Slovakia . In Austria this figure makes 20 %. Thus Chechens receive a refuge in 98 % cases.

As the representative of the government of Slovakia Bernard Pritsel has declared in the interview of the newspaper Wiener Zeitung upon the questions about refugees , " 60 % of those who gives out itself to Chechens, are not Chechens. Even, if they are Chechens they do not have any basis to ask for a political asylum. All Chechens, asking for political asylum, are economic refugees. There is a war in the Chechen Republic . That is why there is a hard economic situation. For this reason Chechens go to the west ".

The newspaper gives an characteristic example of how the police of Slovakia makes Chechens "non-chechens" to which the political asylum under laws is not supposed. Instead of checking up the refugee's knowledge of the Chechen language , the police meaningly asks them silly questions, for confusion. Police game refers to as " check-up the knowledge of district ". Ask, for example, why the bus station in Jokhar refers to as Minutka. A right answer: because, in a peace time there used to stop buses. however, this may not be known to the Chechens who were not living in Jokhar. Also it may not be known to the youth who were unable to live in the peace times at an conscious age.

In any case, the absence of the right answer upon this and other similar inquisitorial questions is for Slovak police the sufficient basis for refusal to Chechens for a political asylum.

As the Viennese newspaper writes, Slovakia refuses Chechens to recieve a refugee status and meaningly doom them to brutal tortures and death, because it wants to support " good economic relations " with Russia . Accordingly, in opinion of Slovakia , " Russia is the country with faultless democracy ".

Besides, due to purposeful false propagation of FSB and its local agency among the Slovak population, the Russian security officers managed to instill in consciousness of many Slovaks a stereotype of the Chechen as " the gangster, the terrorist and the criminal ".

As far as possible, this stereotype of the Chechen tries, though unsuccessfully as a whole, to instill in consciousness of the Austrians and pro-russian minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Austria Liza Prokop. As the speaker of her ministry Rauh has declared to Viennese newspaper Wiener Zeitung, " Slovakia conducts a correct policy concerning refugees ".

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Austria asserts, that the Chechen refugees - " is a risk for safety of Austria ". Now in Austria are about 10.000 Chechens. The Ministry of Internal Affairs declares, that " Chechens are becoming criminals ", not giving thus any fact of confirmation of her lie.

Besides Austrian "law-enforcement" have ostensibly noticed, that " Chechens are inclined to radical islam ". Besides, any facts confirming this mere allegation is not resulted. Moreover, according to violent imagination of criminal and political police of Austria , blossomed after the unkown criminals who accomplished the explosions in London , " Chechens bear plans to begin in Austria "demolition men - suicides".

Anyway, since January, 1, 2006 all new Chechen refugees in Austria will be under threat of " the final decision " in the for of dispatch on punishment to Russia . The new Austrian law on refugees for which in parliament have voted all political parties, both ruling coalition, and "opposition" from now on will come into force on behalf of socialist party. Against the law voted only "green", having very insignificant representation in parliament.

According to this law, Austria will send in the country "on the first arrival in the Eurounion ", and it, for the geographical reasons, in case of Austria is almost always Slovakia , all in succession the Chechen refugees, strict according to the inner-union Dublin Contract.

Earlier Austria made exception of this contract and retained "traumatized" refugees. In human language the word "traumatize" were understood as citizens of CHRI, past tortures in prisons and concentration camps of Russia .

Their returning to Russia with the help and assistance of obliging Slovakia means for them death. Everyone at least once being caught in the hands of bloody executioners from the Russian terrorist organization of FSB, security officers pursue all life, yet they will not kill them.

Dmitry Orlov, Austria , "Caucasia-Center", 09.08.05

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