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"The Great Migration" of Chechens

posted by zaina19 on August, 2005 as Human Rights

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From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 8/26/2005 4:04 AM
August, 25, 2005

"The Great Migration" of Chechens

The western research centres inform about "the great migration" of Chechens in connection with proceeding military aggression of Russia.

So according to the London Institute's reportings about war and peace for the past several years of war about 70 000 Chechens have submitted on a political asylum in Europe, but only few of them have received it. (Under the Europe are realized also such countries, as Poland and Slovakia.).

Besides the threat of life, many Chechens try to abandon their country for the lack of high-grade education for the children in the Chechen Republic, xenofobia in the Russian society, danger to residing and the financial reasons.

The biggest problem for Chechens -is to receive the passport and the visa. Since 1999 Russian invaders have issued passports only to those Chechens who have a residence permit outside of the Chechen Republic. The only exception is combined with high-ranking officials of puppet administration and pilgrims to Mecca. However the passport can be bought in the black market for the sum of several hundred dollars. Many Chechens consider, that invaders purposely do not give out them the foreign passports in order not to be the inflow of mukhajirs in Europe and " people there have not understood, that in the Chechen Republic everything is not all right ".

To receive the foreign visa in the western embassies in Moscow for the Chechen is much more difficult, than for Russian. The requirements for the Chechen and the questions on "interview" are rather strict. Great many people are rejected. Then the only outcome is illegal entry. "Intermediaries" take up to 600 dollars to bring them into the countries of the Eurounion, usually through Ukraine.

The European union of refugees and exiles ECRE where enter 78 organizations of Europe upon rendering assistance for refugees, considers, that the political asylum of Chechens is issued by a principle of a lottery. According to the nongovernmental organization existing in USA " the Network of the Chechen protection " (Chechnya Advocacy Network) the figures of granting asylum for Chechens widely vary in different countries: from 76 % in Austria down to zero in Slovakia.

ECRE recommends the European governments to give up the practice of violent exile of the Chechen refugees to Russia since it is dangerous to their life. Employees of European project ECRE say that to live in the Chechen Republic is as dangerously, as in Ingushetia. In other areas of the Russian Federation it is difficult for Chechens to receive a residence permit and to live legally, therefore they are exposed to constant discrimination.

The English peer and professor Robert Skidelski believes, that in Europe it will be continued to issue a political asylum for Chechens because, " though Europe does not consider, that the Chechen Republic should receive independence, but it considers, that Russia should solve this problem " sensibly ". And until Russia does not do it , the asylum will be given out ".

The problem of Chechen mukhajirs is complicated with the fact that ingushs, Dagestans, ossets and even Russians with Ukrainians frequently pose themselves as Chechens.

A certain Leila, working in the service of migration of France, has told, how she recently has exposed the group of Dagestans (as though Dagestan is not under the same Russian occupation, as well as Ingushetia). She asked them to tell some phrases in - Chechen, and they replied her in - Koumiss, hoping, that she would not understand.

However Leila knows the whole 10 words in - Chechen and immediately has bitten through a trickery since the pronunciation was not Chechen. Leila also perfectly knows the geography of Achoj-Martanski area as she is responsible for this "sector" in refuge department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of France.

One of the authors of a research material about the Chechen refugees, prepared by the London institute, has met in Nazran 49-year-old Zara, who was compelled to emigration with 21-year-old son Muslim. They have recently been deported from Poland. They illegally overstepped the limits of Pole-German border, but on the German side the intermediary did not meet them. They got into the hands of polices. they sent them to Poland after 3 days of stay in German prison (in order not to be at once deported, it is necessary to drive off the border as far as 20-25 kms, in the different countries it is differently). And Poland has sent them in the Russian Federation.

Zara regrets, that she has not posed Muslim as former mojakhed. In her opinion, Germans would have given them a political asylum immediately in that case.

Zara profoundly is mistaken. Although the police in the countries of Europe denies, that she contacts with the authorities of the Russian Federation upon the question of check of the Chechen refugees, at least, in case of Russian refugees there is an information, that the police at times has the data about prison terms and verdicts which she might have received only from authorities of the Russian Federation. In any case, police of the West and the Russian Federation closely cooperate, and among the policemen of Europe having contact with former Chechen mojaheds, obviously exist agents of FSB. If Muslim itself had slandered, he probably would have appeared not in Nazran, but in Russian concentration camp, together with his mother, where he and Zara would have been beaten out confession to their actual death.

It is impossible to forget also, that in the majority of the countries of Europe are issued laws about unrepresenting refuges to " politically unreliable persons for democracy " and to " Islamic extremists ". Behind those mojaheds who nevertheless have received a political asylum earlier, is established police shadowing. Besides for the further preservation of antiIslamic tendencies in the west, absolutely is not clearl what kind of actions from the governments of these countries may be carried out. Former mojaheds may be sent even in 20 years as now it sent from England and France.

Zara recently has watched the film how fine the refugees live in Norway. She did not like Germany. Therefore in the near future she is going with Muslim to leave for Norway and to ask there a political asylum.

Dmitri Orlov, "Caucasus-Center", 25.08.05

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