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The Tender has Taken Place

posted by zaina19 on July, 2005 as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 7/3/2005 7:14 AM
Jule, 03, 2005

The Tender has Taken Place

Practically from the very beginning of the war Chechen refugees became the greatest headache of the Kremlin and puppet authorities, whereas their number became enormous - more than a half a million people! We shall emphasize, that these are refugees from the war, which the Kremlin in any way does not wish to recognize to be such, craftily naming the event to be an "internal affair of Russia ". This number itself has begun to specify that "the internal affair" got such unreasonable scales, that it began to be splashed out from Russia, right on the territory of safe Europe.

Such development of events, in any way did not correspond to the script, worked out in lobbies of the high authorities of Russia and Europe, when civil Europeans agreed with Russian barbarians, that they would not undertake any real measures against Russia, breaking all conceivable human rights in the Chechen Republic, and would get off only with "concern". The acknowledgement of it is also today's "terrible" resolutions of the PACE in address of Russia , which does not care about it at all.

But not only Chechen refugees have become a problem. The war, on which the mightiest of this world have imposed a vow of silence, became impossible to be hidden, because of extreme cruelty of Russians. This war has grown up to the scales of open genocide, and metastasizes of the latent war began to be shown far outside Russia . Thus, the genocide of the Chechen people became not only "the internal affair of Russia ", but also of the West, which does not wish to see and recognize the event. And to prevent possible discontent of the public, the western democrats have thought up an outlet, having agreed to qualify not modern events, taking place in the Chechen Republic to be genocide, but what happened more than 60 years ago.

However, everything turned out to be rather strange – the deportation of 600 000 Chechens and Ingushs in February, 1944, modern democrats have acknowledged to be genocide, while half a million of today's refugees, massacre, abductions, complete disappearances of citizens of the Chechen Republic, which have reached a huge number - 200 000 thousand people, are agreed to be named "an internal affair of Russia". Probably, those, who are engaged in verbal balancing act and those, who agree with this verbal fornication, consider people to be idiots.

As the presence of refugees already in itself means the fact of a proceeding war, the first problem of the Kremlin and their Chechen puppets became returning of the refugees disseminated worldwide back to the Chechen Republic, to the smartly named by journalists "one big concentration camp".

They began with camps of the Chechen refugees in Ingushetia. Everybody knows, how severely Russian chastisers and their local helpers finished these unfortunate people. But what sizes the lie of the Kremlin, which assured the whole world about fantastic successes "in the restored Chechen Republic ", has reached! And this lie has turned out to be that honey on the lips of hypocritical European politicians.

We are perfectly informed on iridescent reporting of the western politicians from the villages in the north of the Chechen Republic . It was done by them for enticing of the Chechen refugees back, where in this closed from eyes human zone Russian special services could do with them anything they liked. Punishments proceed up to this day, while the West, lowering and raising the tonality, states its "concern" – just the same as it has agreed with the Kremlin.

But patience of people is not infinite. And broken with violence and terror of the governments of the host countries, the Chechen refugees began to come back home, turned into a hated stepmother. The violence over the come back refugees organically fitted the gloomy bouquet of genocide, which has flourished in the Chechen Republic with violent colors.

And stupid puppets, trying once again to toady to the Kremlin owners, fast and well began to report on how many thousands of refugees they have managed to drive into the concentration camp named the " Chechen Republic " in the shortest terms. Certain Mompasha Machuev, "the chairman of the committee of the government of the Chechen republic of affairs refugees", has declared, that “for the last five years 240 thousand refugees from 370 thousand, who left the territory of the republic, have returned to the Chechen Republic ”.

However this very Mompasha will never tell anybody, how many thousands of the returned refugees have undergone and will undergo illegal filtration, false arrests, how many of them are missing and will miss, and how many of them have become victims of the extrajudicial punishments or will become them. Machuevs do not need this arithmetic - they are ordinary goats-provokers, sacrificing people to the monster named "Kremlin". They, machuevs, do not think at all that they will be the next victim, for the Kremlin needs the Chechen territory without Chechens, including without obliging kadyrovs, alhanovs, machuevs and other footmen.

According to the last information from Europe, migratory services of France, Germany and some other countries have decided to meet the cannibal policy of the Kremlin, having extraditing to Russia a certain number of Chechen refugees. Chechens in this connection sounded the alarm, to which only humanists responded.

The Norwegian Council of refugees has published the report on refugees from the Chechen Republic . The authors of the report have declared that in Russia refugees do not receive the necessary help. According to the Russian legal experts, already about a quarter of one million Chechen refugees live in Europe today.

Anna Marit Austbe, a representative of the International Helsinki federation of human rights said, "The matter is that intra-displaced people do not receive corresponding protection according to the international law and according to the Russian laws. The European states should not return Chechens to the Russian Federation . Certainly, these Chechen people face the problem of infringement of human rights and also violence over a person, it happens in Russia repeatedly, in different regions".

Austbe said also about the position of Chechen refugees in the CIS countries, "It is very frequent that those, who try to receive a political asylum outside of the Chechen Republic , do not receive it. It often happens in such countries, as Azerbaijan , Belarus , and Ukraine . In Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan such Chechens live absolutely with very insignificant humanitarian help and without any legal legitimate rights. Therefore we offer, we recommend, that these Chechen people should be moved from these countries to other countries". ( " Radio Freedom " )

It is interesting, whether migratory services of the European countries will listen to the Chechen refugees and to recommendations of the nongovernmental organizations? Or the European politicians will prefer to operate according to the worked out, but carefully hidden scheme: - "Russian power resources in exchange for the Chechen blood"? If to judge by the decisions of the leaders of some European states, it is possible to say, that the tender has taken place.

Martin Nordin, Chechenpress, 03.07.05.

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